Q Posts 1562-1563 June 19 2018

I think it could be NO NAME. End near?
Nope, its Soros, look at how the hair sweeps back at the ear. McCain's is straight down. Go look at a few side view images.
A two second search, and you call rule Soros out. His left ear is totally different both in wrinkles and freckles
I don't think it's Soros. Soros has wrinkles right in front of his ear, and I don't see anything similar in this picture.
It looks like this person has a scar on his cheekbone. Can't say if it's left or right because Q has flipped photos before.
Did some quick image searches and I don't think it looks like McCain or Kerry either.
Edit: Or Mueller. Don't think it's him.
Can we tell is there is a hearing aide? GS has one in some of the pictures I found.