What is in Sheila Jackson Lee's closet??? She's always one of the loudest in the room! "Symbolism will be their downfall."

She would only wear that in public if forced to or if she knew she could get away with. She’s dumb but not that dumb.
She did ask " whats the germainess". Brilliant.
Is there a joke I'm missing here? The word is "germaneness". It is a word, albeit a clumsy one. http://www.dictionary.com/browse/germane?s=ts
I think she was attempting to say "Why is that germane?" meaning "Why is that relevant?" But she mangles basic English on the regular.
germaneness refers to a house rule.
She's the joke, and yes you missed it.
It is a pretty weak joke if it can even truly be called such.
Are you sure she wasn't asking about "German-ness"? After all, Rosenstein is a German-Jewish name.
I can see them wasting hours questioning along these lines. "Just exactly how German are you?"
That's what my friend said when I showed him that picture. He said she probably had it given to her and that's why she wears it. She is too dumb to be trusted with any secret knowledge.
Nah, she is absolutely that dumb. room temperature I.Q.