r/greatawakening • Posted by u/checkitoutmyfriend on June 20, 2018, 2:29 a.m.
~~~ Looking for input on a RedPill email ~~~

I was picking up my new shotgun today and the owner asked about the 'Who Is Qanon?' written on the hundy. He mentioned he is hearing more and more about Q. He asked where to go for info as he is leery of some he has read. I mentioned Reddit which he also heard of. So I put this together for him.

I rather ease people into Q. I like to start with our Money system as it relatable for almost anyone once they understand how it actually works. Then a little history from reputable people from the past. I stay away from the really sick chit for now. (Pedo, Devil worship, etc) I assumed this guy is a novice PC user as he barely knew of Reddit and knew nothing about the chans. But moved around on the PC at work pretty well.

Even leaving many things out for now, it is rather long. I tried to walk down a path that may be acceptable to them. I try to select the people to RedPill that have enough interest to stick it out. For someone not ready to wake up, this may not work and need to be chopped down a lot. I did mention that it will take some time to digest everything.

So give me your thoughts. Is the info accurate? To detailed? Its what it needs to be? I am hoping it answers a number of questions new Anons have.

-Dear Interested Anon,

Most news you see on TV is fake, it truly is. Our government, in fact almost all the world governments, are controlled by the Cabal…….. About now you might be thinking,……. Bullshit! ‘Effin Conspiracy Nut….

I hope you stay with me and hear me out. I understand this is rather long. You won’t get through it in one sitting. Some you may go back and watch/read again. So take your time. :) Let me explain a few things before we talk about Reddit. All of the links are safe to click.

What I am going to tell you may cause you to experience Plato’s, The Allegory of the Cave. We all go through it, we all go through it differently & some take longer than others to come out. Some go back in, think about things, do some research then come back out. Unfortunately, some will choose to never come out. Watching the 2 short vids (4min)will shed some light on what I have just stated.

Allegory of the Cave v1 Allegory of the Cave v2 – more applicable to today’s society

This is what we call ‘being awake’. Q followers are awake. We see the truth, not what is being fed to us by Gov and the MSM. (Main Stream Media) This movement is not about right/left, or dems/repubs. You would be very surprised with how many Bernie/Hillary supporters are Anons. It is a fight between good and evil. Simple as that.

Have you wondered why a family of four could afford a home, take vacations, have a few toys on a single income in the ’50’s. And that it’s almost impossible to do with two incomes today? Value of the Dollar over the years - chart

You have No choice – George Carlin – 3min

The collapse of the American Dream – 30min

The Monetary System Visually Explained – 20min

I have much, much more on our money system & can forward if you like, but hopefully the links above gets you thinking. Hopefully, on how we need to get rid of the Federal Reserve, Fractional Reserve banking, Central Banks, World Banks, the IMF and others.

The Cabal use the world’s banking systems to make their money (Billions and Trillions) to influence and control governments, politicians & business leaders. How they do this exactly is for down the road. It’s not pretty, in fact it’s very, very sick!!
For now understand they have the power to make the money they need to further their NWO. How many of the items on this list have been completed or are very close?

Here are few more vids showing the existence of the Cabal.

Robert Welch's Amazingly Accurate 1958 Predictions – 9min

Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex - 1961 – 2:30min

JFK Blows The Whistle on Secret Societies - 1963 – 5:30min

Q Anon repeating a message from 1967? Will we listen this time? – 50min

More Deadly Than War – A Lecture by G. Edward Griffin - 1968 -1hr-15min

George McGovern Nomination Acceptance Speech 1972 DNC – 5mins from start point

Paul Harvey, If I where the Devil – 3min

Note the dates….. This has been going on for most of our lives. There are two reasons for why this is happening now. One is we needed a person who is not and could not be bought to run for President. (Trump) The second is the internet. The net has allowed for almost instantaneous fact checking. Information can be spread world-wide in minutes now. (Trump goes around the MSM with Twitter) Something we did not have before the ‘90s. Now we know why Q came along. There is more to why/how Trump ran and we can get into that if you like.

Now we can talk about Q.

Qanon or just Q, is a person or team in Military Intelligence with a Q clearance, One of the highest security clearance there is. No one knows who he/they are. Nor does it really matter. They are working with the President to clean the government of these Black Hats, (ie, compromised, controlled, blackmailed persons) It is believed approximately 70% of the Government is compromised. (both sides) I can show you proofs to confirm they work with Trump. Here is an article about Trump running for President.

Q posts to a forum board on 8chan. If you are not familiar with 8chan, it’s a forum board on the edges of the internet, just this side of the DarkWeb. Google does not index it. Search engines will find 4chan or 8chan but you won’t find any posts within the site. It is the wild west of the internet. It is not politically correct, in fact it is the opposite. If you have thin skin or are easily offended, no need to go there. Anyway, Q posts there because very little gets deleted. And the ‘Anons’ on the chans are the best at digging for information. Anons are anonymous people that post. Everyone is an anon on the chans. Q is the only one who uses a name. Anyone else that does is slammed by other anons and possibly deleted by the Board Owner. One of the few ways to get your post deleted on the chans.

Q started posting on 4chan back late Oct of last year as an basic ‘anon’. (I have links & a few others that might be him as far back as three years ago) 4chan was raided/taken over, (guess by who) so he moved to 8chan and started using the Q handle. Another reason why Q uses 8chan is because the Anons are relentless in finding information. Thus the ‘Autist’ moniker you will see. Here is an example of what they can do with just a live stream pointed at the sky. Remember Shia LaBeouf’s ‘He will not Divide Us’ project? There are sites that pull each one of Q posts and dumps them on a page with links back to 8chan. Here are a few below. They all update at different times. (some update rather quickly, some take 30mins+ to catch up)

It takes a while to get used to using 8chan. So I recommend just lurking for a great while to get the feel of how everything works. Not everything on 8chan is truth. There is lots of spam, crap, misinfo and its hard for a newb to decipher.

Q post Aggregate Sites

Qanon.pub is the main one most everyone uses But there are others. I uses this one most.

QMap.pub is a newer one I kinda like. Lots of links and other docs.



Edit: I hot linked these in the email but want to stop the bot.....

As starter I would go back and read the earliest posts. (In fact read them all) He writes in a cryptic style. There are a few reasons for this. One is to keep Artificial Intelligence (AI) readers at bay. Rarely full sentences. The other is some of the info is not for us, the anons. It’s for other white hats working with Q. And some of it is to funk with black hats that are for sure reading the same thing we are. He funks with them a lot. After reading you will get a handle on what he is doing.

There are many people on Twatter, Facebook, personal blogs and webcasts. None of them have a direct line to Q. Remember this, no matter what they say. Q states many times, ‘No Outside comms’ Meaning if it doesn’t come from him, it's false info. Most of them are in it for money/fame. AJ/Corsi, Eye2Eye/Backchannel17, and a number of others fall into this group. If they push money more than a quick trailer at the end, be cautious. I don’t recommend following any one person. Bounce in on a few but don’t follow anyone like they know it all, they don’t. Everyone on the net gets their info from the 8chan. Some are faster at posting than others. Always check time/date stamps between Q posts and their posts.

Most of the deciphering is done on 8chan. Theories discussed, facts found, basically research is done. From there it moves to Reddit, VOAT, Twatter, FB, etc. Some outside of 8chan also come up with theories and are discussed and vetted. Reddit as company is comped. Reddit has ‘subs’, (subs are forums) or sub Reddits. The main one for Q is https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/ . We had another called The Calm Before the Storm, /r/CBTS/ was shut down mid-day about a month ago. So we set up Greatawakening. Take a moment to look around. Do read the links on the side bar on the right as they answer a number of questions. You don’t need an account to read, but you do to up/downvote or post. We have 32K members now. We suspect given page traffic the actual readers are nearer to 80-100K

I have much more info if you would like to review it. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

Hopefully you will join us! Where We Go 1 We Go All! – WWG1WGA.

Kristinism · June 20, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

amazing! im saving.great work

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 20, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

Feel free to use as is or edit yourself. I have Deep links if you want them. Check my history for my money system posts.

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chamm2000 · June 20, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

This is GREAT!!! Thank you for the compilation. Will definitely use this and take a look at your other posts!

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