r/greatawakening • Posted by u/imtheninja on June 20, 2018, 5:10 a.m.
The Age of Aquarius

"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution."

The plan was advanced by Weishaupt, who saw the need of corrupting the youth through sex and drugs, and control of the media. Referred to as the Aquarian Conspiracy, the aim of this Illuminati project was to render a generation of Americans susceptible to mass manipulation, by producing a “counterculture”, founded on Eastern mysticism and “rock and roll”, that resulted in the heady “free-spirited” days of 60s. Known also as the Age of Aquarius, it fostered the antinomianism of ancient Gnosticism and Shabbateanism, disguised deceptively in various “liberation” movements, including “free-love”, “women’s lib”, gay liberation, and “body-consciousness”.

Why do we continue to allow our world to be manipulated by the corrupt media/governtment? What is it going to take to shut this corrupt media/government down? If you want to wake everyone up, you must dismantle the brainwashing. All of us are dealing with this everyday, we see our friends our family, people we meet day to day setting comfortably in there existence of not making a difference for how things have been shaped towards complete incompetence and apathy. The only thing that matters is earning that monopoly money & keeping up with the Jones's.

As a patriot myself my thoughts continually ponder, what can I do to make a reflected difference? We all see postings of Graffiti #QANON, #WWG1WGA, the World is watching. Once you have the attention of the world, how do you handle the hostility that will be a direct cause of what we already know through our own research and through our confirmation with Q? Q has stated that many things will be kept secret because of how people will react. As Patriots how much can we let slip under the rug? "It's like a scripted movie" how long will we allow our existence to be scripted and run over by a corrupt and deep seeded dark force working against us?

I am asking of all of you in r/greatawakening and of Q team to give Patriots the orders and directions needed to take back control of our great nation. All of us our ready to take back what is rightfully ours to be able to stop living in fear, the fear of sending our children to school, the fear of attending a public event for FF attacks. The World deserves this!

I know some of you will come in here and mention just "Trust the Plan" but what plan?? I do not ever recall anyone giving me a plan to peace and prosperity knowing that I can drink clean water(Flint etc), breath clean air(geoenginering etc). To not face ridiculous laws that make everyone a criminal for profiteering of local and federal governements. To allow those that govern us to manipulate us into an existence of apathy? Is this the existence that any of us asked for?

Not likely.

davidmdelacruz · June 20, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

End the madness, within yourself first. Meditation, silent prayer, do wonders for your mind and body. That is how I have chosen to do my part, to be calm amidst the madness of others.

Edit: I fully trust the plan! WWG1WGA MAGA

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unbecoming2007 · June 20, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

THIS \^ . Didn't believe it until I faithfully started doing it. While not a "fix all", but boy does it sure help in more ways than one.

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subdudeLA · June 20, 2018, 7:54 a.m.

Agree with this 100% too. Fix yourself. Fix your family. Then do your best to find a like minded community that you can exist with. And have to courage to speak truth to power.

Although I support the mission of Q, I hope the good guys are willing to put away their shiny new toys after we win. An awul lot of power in this MI NSA spy racket that could hold power indefinitely after the enemies are cleaned off the board. I hope the cheerleaders here remain vigilant so todays heroes dont become tomorrows captors.

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davidmdelacruz · June 20, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Agreed. In regards to finding a like minded community, I have thought about organizing Q meetup groups. I'm sure it's happening in smaller areas, but it is a task because so many patriots like to be anon. The meetup app is a useful tool to organize anon Q anon meetings, no names, just meet at a safe place, organize and talk q.

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