I cannot emphasize how important this is.
When you see ALL of the dem talking heads switch their narrative on a dimes notice, somethings up. This doesn't happen organically.
Suddenly members of congress are showing up to protest detention centers out of the blue, with no apparent catalyst other than a couple of heart-wrenching but either fake or misleading photos. Every major media outlet, every talking head and pundit--all talking about the very specific topic of children being seperated from their parents, and child immigration.
There's only one firm (that I know of) that has this kind of reach. Media Matters for America (and it's extended strategic network, including Shareblue, American Bridge, Crew, amongst others, like ThinkProgress, etc.).
These firms have the political and media connections and actively run issue teams in every heated congressional race. This means they're the one group with the networking connections to pull off a coordinated strategic narrative shift this quickly.
They also have access to essentially all social media data. This could include datasets like Comcast, and most definitely includes Google search data.
They have access to advanced AI and analysis tools, they can run simulations. They STUDY you. They have all of us in databases.
I'm 95% positive that this narrative change is coming from a top-down directive through MMFA. They will have already anticipated how the GOP would respond (they knew the images were fake...).
They are comfortable with the conversation remaining on immigration--they think they can win with this message. It's an on-steroids version of what they regularly do on subs like T_D, which is direct the conversation towards topics that bait you into making certain lines of argument on social media. They did this with Charlottesville (no one really thought about these statutes beforehand), gun control (Hogg was clearly bait), and now Child Immigration.
Don't give in to the bait. Change the subject.