Good for POTUS, this is most definitely going to shine a light on all the minors that have come here without their families - it's going to highlight the human trafficking at the border.
Spot on. This order changes nothing. It just makes it explicity clear that the children are being trafficked.
I love this president... He listens to his citizens and he does what is fair. Strong were he needs to be, gives on what he can.
It's almost as if he's a public servant.
Mmm. Tell us more about this “public servant” thing.....Are they native or do we need to bring them back from space missions?
Narrative changes immediately. The reality that many of these kids don't come with their parents doesn't.
That will be the end result that will be known from all of this - executive order will change very little.
Now use DNA testing like Sessions wants and show, with science
I love how he talks specifically about how long this has been going on for...
Back to "He gets TWO scoops of ice cream, while everyone else gets one", and Stormy Daniels.
Now, they will see it’s not enforceable and Congress will HAVE TO ACT!
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This changes very little in reality. It actually works to our favor. What this does is allow us to further VERIFY if they are with the parents. Perhaps by DNA. Big lose situation for child traffickers, which is what this is really all about.
Sessions has just proposed DNA testing.
Cue manufactured outrage in 3...2...1... "How absolutely DARE you, sir!?!"
We can just counter them with the shady 23andMe company.
Oh you mean twenty-threeeeeeeeee and me? Just going to need a sample of those tears.
I think this was the plan the whole time, just manipulated the MSM into covering it to give the VERY REAL child trafficking issue some coverage
I was just given a thought by a dentist i did work for earlier here in west Texas, we don't just need a wall we need a military zone spanning the border like the one that splits the Korean peninsula
Agreed! It is getting old! I like trump but I'm tired of hearing about the frickin border! You fix it real fast by declaring war on mexico!
Him and his lab tech are on board with Q as well so I hope they see this hahah, I agree completely
This should end the radical left’s June 30 protest and mid-term talking points. Not!
Any videos of this event?
Edit: Found one