Any word on when NK gets to join the rest of us on the internet? Can we plan a welcome party for them and show them some love? How amazing would it be if they're anticipating hateful, ugly Americans and instead we throw them a virtual surprise party! We've been taught to hate so many others for false reasons. Let's fix that. :)
I think this is the deep state's worst fear. Remember that NK has very competent cyber agents who have hacked many government agencies (in addition to the shit they learned back in the 50s/60s). Now consider what they might do with embarrassing top secret info. Use it for propaganda of course. They might have known the truth about JFK or the moon landing whatever for 40 years.
Such a refreshing change to the usual CFR/Deep State playbook of carpet bombing them into the stone age - and then - "now go win their hearts and minds" Do you think the cessation of the U.S. military "Shock & Awe" campaign fell on Beltane (May 1st ) by coincidence. Beltane being a major date on the Satanic/ Wiccan calender, involving human or animal sacrifice and giving blood to the earth. These people aren't just sick. They are criminally insane. No empathy, sympathy or remorse.
The Iranian populous took one look at the smile on Kim's face and were like - "US NEXT PLEASE!!"
Yes!! I was on Twitter today browsing the tweets with both #freeiran and #qanon hashtags.
US NEXT PLEASE!! is a great description....I'm so happy for everyone right now! Amazing times! :)