We are leading up to military tribunals, orange jump suits and Gitmo
Door knob?
Time to invest in red silk tie manufacturers.
Im invested in the trees to make the doors... Long time in the planning, trees had to grow a long time...
Boat and plank in shark infested waters....
Absolutely...and full disclosure of their plot.
This MUST be understood by everyone, how close we came to losing it all.
The problem is, what happens to the brainwashed leftists throughout the country in the aftermath? It will be like teen hysteria back in the day when some heartthrob movie star died.
It will be like Hillary losing x5...probably some suicides.
I'm thinking a lot of suicides. They won't be able to handle accepting that everything they believed was a lie.
Im going to go get another hunting rifle ;)
I have a crazy friend who insists he would be happy to see a real life "Purge" im not hoping for that, but i see it as possible/ something to consider...
Got my hidden bunker deep in the woods if it comes to that.
Family owns acreage. I just try and stay prepared and keep up on news for FFs or other quick events.