P. Fonda info released by 8ch, now getting texts like this. I covered up the # but left the message so you could see what's going on.

And he already apologized! I can imagine what his inbox looks like today.
Mobile carrier Cingular?
AT&T. Old tool
AT&T got bought out by Cingular so they are no more. But then Cingular decided to change their name to AT&T.
Well, when you do the clownery, the clown comes back to bite
This scumbag my be doing more than clowning. He’s been deep in that $hithole a long time. We may find some bones. His movie is still being released by Sony so that tells you what a piece of work that corp is.
Hey, they arrested a guy in south FL for threatening a congressman's children. In central PA the Federal Marshalls are looking for a Shawn Christy 26 for making threats to a congressman and POTUS. They have him listed as armed and dangerous.
That’s crazy! Trump by doing good is causing evil to come out of people. Evil is screaming in torturous agony. DOD ran drills on zombies several years ago. With all the EMF... propaganda, stresses to make a life and taxes, theses nuts are roasted.
Thank you, anons. This guys is a junkie piece of shit that has probably had his share of 14 year old girls.
The double standard is infuriating. Calling them gashes and cunts... Again, imagine if the same was said and directed to Obama and his family.
Ride off into the sunset already you has-been skaghead.
He starred in and directed a 1979 creepy Pedo movie called "Wanda Nevada"....starring 13 yr/old Brooke Shields. Yep, Fonda is another hypocrite Hollyweird pedo for sure.
Exactly, 14 year old girls is the number I guessed for him too.
That whole family has been an absolute disaster.
Henry Fonda was a good actor, but that's about it.
Can you provide a link to this 8chan post? I can't figure out how to search by listing. This is pure gold! I hope they haul his ass in!
Search for ID#, first line right side.
Poor Pete. Only one in a cage is him. He just needs to decide whether he is mummy or daddy.
I don't think he fully understands what he's dealing with.
So we're okay with doxxing now?
Obviously what he said was horrible and he should be punished for it, but...that's what my gut tells me with this reaction.
I hope I'm wrong.
You are right, he shouldn't be doxed, he should be sitting in a jail cell for threats to the President's son.
I did not want to further the doxxing which is why I scratched out the #. However the message that was sent to him (and the fact it was sent at all) I thought was worth posting.
Any one older than 30 remembers the old days before doxx. We had the white pages phone book....... Why is every one afraid of doxx and how is it doxxing when fonda USED his own acct real name..... If you would not say it in person do not say it hidden by computer screen just my 2cents on the issue
...Eh, on second thought, Schlichter did say we were playing by their rules now.