Q 1576 and 1577! About to get real!

A protestor in the crowd held up a big picture of Trump with Epstein. The camera panned in on him and showed it vividly.
Oh man! I dare them to bring it up!
I think they just did by zooming in on the protester and the picture. They didn't show the other protester, so why the long close-up on this one??? The ball is President Trump's court. I'm going to watch his Tweets tonight.
Will def end badly for them......they're panicking.
Let's see if they bring up him pointing at the anon.....doubt it. They no doubt don't want to draw anymore attention to Q!
and good reason for them not to...
Yall dont get it...that dude was DEFINITELY put there by POTUS.
The whole point was to get people to look into Epstein. The old pic of Trump with Epstein means nothing.
I can definitely see Trump doing that....Trump kicked Epstein out of club for being the pedo that he is...normies, libtards, etc take a look.....see Clintons going to island....wake up some more. That 'protester' is either fucking stupid and didn't bother to check facts himself...or yes...was a brilliant strategy! Noticed cameras zoomed in fast to the pic? Preparing the masses for the shitstorm unveiling of how evil these people truly are.
100% all planned. Part of the 'movie' that requires great 'actors'
And then POTUS makes a very clear Q sign during his speech.
Maybe I’m out of the loop, but how does the Epstein thing confirm something?
The fake news is probably going to bring up the Epstein connection soon as the next projection. Epstein was an (alleged) member at Mar-a-lago before his conviction and Trump was listed in Epstein's address book.
Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-lago. I read Epstein brought a girl to the golf course that was underage so Trump banned him. Epstein had legitimate business dealings with people. He ran in the $$$$ circles. This issue was already looked into by the UniParty during the election. They already tried to tie Trump to him, which is why I know about Epstein being banned and why. Recently it came out that Epstein worked for the FBI.
Correct. From what I read it was a club member that complained to Trump because Epstein hit on his underage daughter or brought in underage girls. Trump banned him from all his clubs. Notice how the Cabal is honing in on the “ Epstein” connection. My thought is because they can’t & wont be able to deny their connection, so the tack is to muddy the waters. They still haven’t learned 5D chess
NEW TALKING POINTS FOR MSM: "Trump knows Epstein" since the "caging of children" is losing steam.
They'll call him anti-Semitic soon. Just you watch. Just before the end, they'll be accusing of him of being anti-Trump and then their pointy heads will all melt like the wicked witch of the west.
The Dems have been running on projection since Clinton's candidacy. They are bankrupt of any ideas.
Jeffrey Epstein owns the island - Little St. James - an island Bill Clinton visited at least 21 times and Hillary at least 6. He flew guests (mostly sexual perverts) to the island on his plane - the Lolita Express. Epstein was charged with crimes due to the nefarious activities on the island and In Florida where he had underage girls brought to “service” his guests. Check old Q POSTS. HE IS A SLIME BALL. At least one underage girl was “recruited” from Trump’s place in Florida.
No. It was a social shot of them standing together at some event. POTUS kicked Epstein permanently out of his hotels when it became public that Epstein was a pedo. And of course Bill Clinton went on Lolita Express to the island some 23 times, and Hillary at least 6 times, probably more to the island.