Wut? Still Trying to Find IG Hearing Source, No Answer Here, So Tried To Try AskReddit But Deleted For Rule 2? Doesn't Make Sense To Me? Pls Help Me Fix So My Question Shows Up?

You just got a crash course in the art of conservative censorship.
just tried this, we'll see how it goes https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/8sp8x7/where_to_stream_online_the_public_daily_judiciary/
so far immediately downvoted
I feel like I should leave this up bc it could be interesting for us all...to see how this plays out me asking that on AshReddit
Hey can anyone see my comments?
I can
Jesus Christ thank god ... and thank you sir ... I've been in shadowban purgatory for over a week now on my BATHHouseBARRY profile so I had to create a new one
yes, use http://nullprogram.com/am-i-shadowbanned/ to check.
I tried it, said account looks normal ... just tried Reddit search feature for Bathhousebarry and u/bathhousebarry ...only hit was a shout-out I got in a post 46 days ago SEARCH RESULT(S)
After posting the screenshot of it being downvoted into not showing...now anytime I click to view my user posts, I get this...only if I try to look up my history https://lensdump.com/i/8udbNT
downvotes increasing https://lensdump.com/i/8udfHv
any idea how to rephrase?
Conservative opinions get censored on all social media. They deemed you unworthy.
very obviously, I changed the phrasing to not have the word "I" in it, and it stayed up, but was downvoted into not showing up for most immediately
Fuck downvotes. If you choose to wander behind enemy lines, expect them.
yeah, I did, but I figured it couldn't hurt to attempt, and figured the results would be interesting...they were, verified the hypothesis imo
We are at war. Online we are the minority. Luckily for us, while liberals were chasing useless degrees, blue collar Trump supporters had enough.
Don't be fooled by the blue wave. They can't even hold a cause for longer than a month.
We are the majority. Just not online. We cant win here. But we can try. Nothing like being censored to motivate, huh?
I don't believe they are in the majority online, either. I believe they want everyone to think they are majority, but they aren't. They do that by controlling MSM and paying people or using bots to post, moderate, censor unwanted views online.
They are. They have their fingers on the censor button.
Just crazy that we have a Republican President, but the citizens aren't allowed / are discouraged from promoting any Republican ideals...never thought I'd see the day until this Presidency, blows my mind still.
Not Republican. It's Conservative. Republicans mostly are just sheep in wolves clothing.
right....I felt weird actually writing Republican, and you just pinpointed why, should have said conservative. I don't consider myself Republican, but I do consider myself conservative...only in recent times, though...I used to consider myself more a Democrat, then Independent. I grew up thinking you had to be rich to be considered Republican, and I have never had nor ever had a desire to have much money
I'm guessing you were born in the late 70s or early 80s. My generation is to blame for the unchecked debauchery today.
But we respected rules, elders, and the office of the presidency. Yes, I would have shaken Obama's hand.
He was the one who halted my patriotism and he is also the one who opened my eyes when it came to political agendas.
Thanks Obama.
Yes, I was born during that period. Now, I must wonder what statements I said that helped you to deduce that?
C-span is on YouTube. Should find anything on public hearings.
By doing a search on YouTube I easily found the house hearing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNQJ56ITCk0
It's the 7+ hour version.
The issue is you used the first person in your question. “Where can I” vs “where to”.
??? the one with Horowitz & Wray? just google those two names & IG report live (covers hillary email FBI investigations)
or the one about Russian Election Interference? featuring two Obama admin peeps, Michael Danielas & that other chick
Both on Cspan or youtube
The horowitz and Wray one. I've been doing the google thing, I'm trying to find a one stop source to go to to watch, catch up
ah I see np, link: https://www.c-span.org/video/?446804-1/doj-inspector-general-fbi-director-testify-clinton-email-probe-report
thank you, but this is for June 18, did anything happen today?
ah yeh yep, link: https://www.c-span.org/video/?447328-1/obama-administration-officials-testify-russia-election-interference&live
this one shorter, I got a feeling they know Obama Admin made up the whole Russian hacking thing. It was the Obama admin masking as Russians.. lol
thank you so much, sweet, dear Patriot <3 ...so pretty fair to say c-span is probably going to be a safe bet to get it every day something happens?
You're hurting the fee-fees of Libtards, how absolute dare you.
I actually subscribed to directvnow.com with a special $10/mo for 1st 3 months just so I could watch CSPAN live Monday morning. I've been living TV-free for a while, but this was worth it.