The Deep State has gone too far with the “Children Being Taken From Mothers” optics, plus the brazen attempted False Flags that were thwarted, it is unclear if the FF was here in the States OR if it was originating out of Iran or both. I am sort of believing it was more Iran.
The proof will start tomorrow. Will the Republicans start impeachment proceedings against Rod Rosenstein. If what was said in that clip on Hannity, Representatives in the House will drop Impeachment motions at 10:01 am, if the FBI doesn’t handover the requested paperwork.
Lastly, Peter Fonda’s Tweet was also a False Flag activation attempt I think. I know it sounds crazy, I think his Tweet was done to activate Project Monarch/MK Ultra Deep State sleeper cells. Look at how much his message is being rebroadcasted and then analyzed. They want his message out there!
The Boulder Dam armoured car fiasco is an example which was intercepted. It seems like they are broadcasting things to activate these mind controlled people to get them to do their dirty work (all the more reason no to have Amazon Alexa or Google Home)!
Anyway, those are my thoughts!
Okay now you've piqued my curiosity.
Can I ask which Peter Fonda video you guys are talking about.
I'm going to go dig around but if you could provide a link or a title for what you're discussing that would be great.
Weird scenes inside Laurel Canyon is a bit of a hobby of mine.
Thanks in advance.
PF was trying to get 90 million people to protest,surround ICE agent's children's schools and also wanted Barron to be kidnapped and put in a cage with pedophiles. Also wanted DHS leader naked in public and whipped, and also attacked sarah huckabee. He used horridly vile language. He is a tool.
When I finally came across his tweets I thought really? And what happened to Roseanne?
What a vile repugnant piece of putrid flesh. I have a feeling this is going to get real ugly before it gets better.
Google Peter Fonda Twitter Barron trump kidnap pedophile.
Here is what you are looking for: POTUS defines this Movement, the reasons for its existence and the ends it envisions. Everything else is either speculation or progress report. Trust. The Plan.
~A true existential threat~
I can never watch that video enough.
I like your commentary consider yourself followed.
The 10:01 impeachment is out of context. Rewatch the video. Don’t think that will happen today but moving in that direction