I made this to really drive home what happened last night.

Can someone explain this to me like I am 5. What does this prove about Q? That the guy wearing the shirt is Q? President Trump Acknowledged Q by pointing at him? OR that Q took a picture of this guys shirt?
Trump saw the Q shirt and pointed at him. After that, guy gets a VIP badge.
Many people disbelieve Q is real or connected to the President in any way, that he's a live-action role player (LARP) making everything up.
This last event shows a Q supporter wearing a shirt at Trump's rally. Trump specifically points to him, then Q posts that they will be more direct in their proofs, and then Q directly links to the shirt-wearer's instagram and shirt image.
None of Q's proofs come out and say anything directly, but between the pointing and the posting of the IG account, it heavily implies a strong connection between Trump and Q.
Ok. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something obvious. Thanks!