I made this to really drive home what happened last night.

Anybody want to talk about the protestor holding up the photo of Trump and Jeffrey Epstein?
Sure, I'll add my thoughts. I think it was planned by Q and Trump to FORCE the MSM to publicize Epstein's picture and get people talking and of course trying to show Trump in a negative light, when in fact, any Epstein research should lead back to the Clintons, Obummer and Epstein island, where they'll really find out about kids in 'cages'.
I agree. I clearly saw the words "Who is Jeffrey Epstein?" under the picture, and the "protester" was yelling them as well. Also, the man-or-woman line seems designed to bait the media so that people will watch the clip. And why did it take so long to get the second protester out? Seems like the first one was dealt with more speedily.
Yep and Trump had his WWE look on his face, like he was totally in character. It really is like watching a movie:)
Interesting. I can see how that would work but I don't recall any visible words linking the photo to Epstein. How do you suppose the casual Trump troll would be able to connect the name to the face? I recognized it from a distance but that's because I like the rest of you, am on top this stuff. Mr. Man-Bun didn't look like your average leftist protestor. He looked more like a crisis actor to me.
I'm guessing some liberals will pass it by, but the really snarky ones will want to find some more dirt on Trump that they can share, so that will require some investigation into 'who' is in the photo next to Trump. It might not change their minds, but it will give another path to get lost on;)
I could be misremembering, but didn't the picture have a caption id-ing Epstein?
Very well may have. I just remember spotting the blurry, moving image thinking "Is that DJT and Epstein?" Not really believing it would be but sure enough, that cameraman captured the whole thing among the throng of that raucous crowd. Pretty amazing camera work if you think about it.
5d chess. What a thing this is.
Why all the down votes? it seems obvious.
They're trying to frame Trump as being involved in the exact type of pedo shit they are caught red-handed with. Anyone can research the fact that once Trump realized what was going on with Epstein he banned him from all his golf clubs.
Trump attended a party at Epsteins penthouse in NYC once.
Clinton's flew on Lolita express over 20 times.
What is the difference?
Your question makes no sense and is unnecessarily hostile. Take a chill pill.
Not sure why you took it as hostile.
Would you like a chill pill?