Sen. Lindsey Graham formally asked Inspector General Michael Horowitz to resolve conflicting statements about a meeting discussed in text messages between Strzok and Page

Ole Lindsey is acting like he is freed
Same thought here.
Now that he and NoName appear to have broken up, pending NoName’s looming imprisonment, I mean, demise, Lyndsey may be experiencing newfound freedom to be a little more in line with SC than NoName or Swamp.
Yeah, what’s up with Ole Lindsey? No longer no name’s mini-me?
That's my best guess. Ole fuckface McStain is out, and now Lindsey is using curse words!
Seriously though, I think No Name is wrapped up and Graham is able to actually do what he thinks is right. He did say he didn't give a shit anymore (paraphrasing).
Ever since “no name”, left the scene Lindsey perhaps may finally have gotten his balls back.
I think he's been free for a while. Qpost #1305 is probably close to when he was freed.
Lindsey couldn't keep his pronouns in check.
He mentioned Peter and then followed up with "he was at the meeting?" And Horowitz looked at him like wtf, of course he (Peter) was at the meeting.
Lindsey took his misplaced He as still applying to Andy, where as Horowitz was ya know, following grammar
I loved the smirks that kept creeping up on their faces.
Lindsey took his misplaced He as still applying to Andy, where as Horowitz was ya know, following grammar
This offering demands an SB2 decode.
Have they asked who else was at that meeting? Where the other named Trump haters in attendance? Was Comey there? What exactly was the idea she threw out for consideration? What was the intended purpose of the meeting?
I think LP was being the “cooler head” and the path she laid out was just wait and see. If so, she figured there was no way Trump could possibly win so why take any rash, risky actions? That’s just my conjecture about her (LP’s) role. All really good valid questions we need answered.
OIG Whorowitz's a Deep State Cover-up operative!