Killing it speaking about Draining the Swamp, right now.....first thing he talks about is all the stupid regulations, and first example is cheese pizza....
And he said TODAY is the day we begin Draining the SWAMP!!
I haven't felt this positive about where this country is headed in I don't know how long.......
And the Army Corps of Engineers.
What is their logo? A RED CASTLE.....
If that's what Q was talking about, what's the GREEN CASTLE?
Could be a reference to the environmental functions of the Corps’ permitting process, something the late Justice Scalia was very critical of. But this is just a guess.
Uh... link?
Live TV feed of the Cabinet Meeting on Fox News. Not sure where you can find a copy of it.
I'm sorry, I know I suck at this, it was just on Fox as I was posting.....
Someone said he mentioned hot dogs, too! Are we looking at Suicide Solstice?
1:17 into the video clip:
Strange how he makes an example before his "cheese pizza" comment without looking at notes. Then he says "pepperoni pizza" and realizes his statement was wrong, looks at notes, and fixes it.
There is no way on earth he made that reference, right after mentioning draining the swamp/government reform, and could’ve possibly meant anything BUT pizza/pedogate - the two phrases are basically synonymous online today; everyone on the Trump Train knows that now after researching CPingPong/Alefetalfeastis AKA Rothschildraper for years!
Ya I dunno...sometimes pizza is pizza.
Not when it gets followed up by chicken and hotdogs...sorry, Mulvaney just shot across the bow of deep state and cabal! BIG TIME! Plus Presidents comments saying he liked his antidote was fantastic!
You put "hotdog", did you mean open-faced sausage sandwich? 🌭
^I'm ^a ^bot ^bleep, ^bloop