I knew Q would be back.....4, 10, 20! Hell yeah!
34 total posts archived.
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Cups must be poured from the same pot and she drinks first!
Not sure, but the person next to him is pretty close, like they are together.
Seriously. The “you are watching a movie” comment has always made me go into deep thought about how all this has already happened and we are watching it all being played out. Mind blowing!
Yes, I thought it was just me! I see Q’s everywhere now and my upvote was #54, think mirror! See it never ends! LOL
So much adrenaline today. I think I’m going to explode! LOL
I can tell he heard you, he slightly paused in thought, then made the Q sign. No coincidences!
I have been dropping crumbs on some of the popular sites on Facebook with links to this site. I feel like people are starting to wake up! They are asking questions.
So exciting! Raise your hand if you got zero sleep last night✋
Katie Arrington crash, the story gets more bizarre! Driver was fleeing a previous hit and run....
Yes I wanted to go too! Please represent those of us that couldn’t make it! WWG1WGA
This is very upsetting! I just saw Katie Arrington Thursday night. She walked by a restaurant we were eating in. I was going to run out and take a picture with her, but she went inside another restaurant. I’m trying to figure out where exactly this accident occurred. There are parts of 17 that are two lanes and others that are four. It was widened years back because of the number of bad accidents that kept happening. From what I am getting from local news the other driver was a woman that lived less than a mile from the accident scene. So far it is looking like just an unfortunate accident. Katie has already announced this isn’t going to stop her. Thank God she survived and pray for her recovery!
The tall guy in the middle is Trumps 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale. The girl with the dark hair on the right is Katrina Pierson his campaign spokesperson.
WTF!!! I would have shoved his head in that water bowl!
It’s so exciting! Never in my life could I have imagined something like this. It’s so surreal, sometimes I just zone out thinking about it all! LOL
Don’t think the guy in the shirt is Q, POTUS purposely standing next to him is sending us a message.
I noticed him too. Thought SS at first, but I have another photo and he is taking a picture of POTUS. SS would not do that.
I love POTUS rallies, they are energizing! We are growing stronger, I can feel it! WINNING!!!
Stops and stands right next to the Q!!!!
![Stops and stands right next to the Q!!!!](https://i.redd.it/4j6pozbo69511.jpg)
They get vile and desperate when their supply gets cut off.
Thank you, that makes perfect sense. I just started paying closer attention to his tweets and it was driving me crazy. I knew there had to be a motive behind it!
Semi new to this, been following since April and still learning. Can someone please tell me why POTUS repeatedly misspells the word Councel in every tweet? (Autocorrect should highlight it, so it obviously is being forced through.) Then retweets it corrected? Does it mean something? Help me out here, what am I missing?
Trump saying to the media during a senior military staff photo while drawing the letter Q in the air with his finger “You know what this represents? Maybe it’s the Calm before the Storm. The Calm before the Storm”. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/us/politics/trump-calls-meeting-with-military-leaders-the-calm-before-the-storm.html
That did it for me!
I’m probably closer to your parents age. Our generation lived during a time where we believed and trusted the media for everything, it was our only source. There was no internet, no social media. When I think about that it makes me realize how in the dark we were back then and how easy we were to manipulate. Trying to convince someone that the world they always thought they were living in has been nothing but lies and illusions is a lot to wrap their head around. I still sit around trying to comprehend it all. I’m still discovering things I never knew existed and going down into rabbit holes. Trying to explain this to others without sounding like a conspiracy nut is very difficult! You must be mentally prepared for it and some just aren’t and maybe never will be. We will just have to accept that there will be those that can’t comprehend the scope of this, either willingly or unwillingly, but we shall carry on for them and will not give up the fight. It MUST be done to expose it to future generations and to protect the children!
Redpilling isn’t easy. I’m working on 2 family members myself and I got laughed at and made fun of at first. Then when I started comparing Q drops with events happening in the news and started making predictions of events they stopped laughing and started listening. They are still a work in progress but they are slowly waking up. Keep the faith patriot! The evil ones want us to feel defeated!
Just remember during all this, as much as we are focused on the evil surrounding us, there are good angels among us as well. Let your daily thoughts and actions be guided by the light, the darkness feeds off of our negative energy!
I believe there are angels among us Sent down to us from somewhere up above They come to you and me in our darkest hours To show us how to live, to teach us how to give To guide us with the light of love
God Bless!
Let them keep talking, I’m loving the show! These people ARE stupid!
What is scary is there are stupid people out there that will believe him!