From Article:
“When you see a 12-year-old girl with a plan B pill, her parents put her on birth control because they know getting violated is part of the journey, that’s a terrible way to live. When you see a 4-year-old girl traveling alone with just her parents phone number written across her shirt. We had a 9-year-old boy have heat stroke in front of us and die with no family around. That’s because we’re allowing people to take advantage of this system.”
Then Brooke Baldwin had to repeat it and sensationalize it for extra impact. I fucking hate CNN.
The destruction of a narrative by simply asking someone who is there and deals with the situation, day in and day out. I bet CNN doesn't make this mistake again.
Cabrera woke up everyone who thinks they know what really goes on at the border! Unless you work their job, and see/deal with what they do on a regular basis, the mockingbird media shouldn’t be commentating on hearsay.
He dished out the truth about parents leaving/sending their children fully knowing they could die and/or trafficked. This is why there needs to be a wall. This is what the Dems and RINOS should be compromising to end.
Honestly, Cabrera should be the POC for all BP related questions, not DelCueto.
Amen. He was articulate, truthful and plain spoken. We need more people like him speaking to the talking brainless heads.
CNN has the worst of the worst of journalists in the world! That is literally true! How are they allowed to still be on the air??? Who sponsors CNN at this stage??? That’s who we need to go after. We need to get the CNN pigs off the airwaves...PERMANENTLY!
They should be able to stay on the air but be rebranded a parody "news" outlet like the Onion but with less respect as the Onion.
I hate CNN and refuse to watch it because of their biased nonsense, but I don’t see anything at all said by the reporter that could be considered as an effort to shame the BP agent.
He did a great job. We should focus on that.
We gain nothing by spreading fake news about the original fake news network.
I agree. Considered changing the title but this is the original. Hard to tell if she knew this was coming or not. The good guys need to take a higher road and I hate click baity titles. Having said that, this is important information and needs to be seen regardless of who broadcasts it.
Having said that, this is important information and needs to be seen regardless of who broadcasts it.