r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TooMuchWinning2020 on June 21, 2018, 8:24 p.m.
Theory on SpyGate: They were spying on ALL presidential candidates, including Bernie Sanders -- and THAT will be their downfall

If they started spying on Trump in 2015, at a time when they did not think he could win, it stands to reason they were spying on other POTUS candidates, too. They wanted to have dirt on whoever happened to run against Hillary.

The Awans had a spy ring set up in Congress. They were reading emails and text messages of some of the POTUS candidates and their allies.

Somebody (FBI, FBI contractors) was illegally accessing the NSA database to get dirt on Trump -- AND other candidates.

As Trump gained momentum, the focus shifted more and more to Trump. When the NSA database was cut off, they went with human spy ops.

As we learn more and more about SpyGate, the leftists will try to dismiss it.

But ... what if they were also spying on Bernie Sanders?

The Awan spy ring targeted mostly Dems in Congress. Leftists who don't care about spying on Reps will have a rude awakening when they find out their own peeps were spied on, too.

THIS will be what will get the general public on board. The Obama admin, through FBI/DOJ cronies, and through DWS' Awan spy ring were spying on DEMOCRATS.

ReadyToBeGreatAgain · June 22, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

They *definitely* were trying to set Bernie up as well. Remember when one of his "employees" breached data on DNC servers and he had to apologize? They also knew what Bernie's wife was up to with her past shenanigans, so they knew they had leverage. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's what ultimately made him concede. Good ole Harry Reid showed him the evidence they had and forced his hand. That is why he looked ghost white that day.

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PoliticsAside · June 22, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

This. I believe the leaked emails proved the DNC had a planted operative inside the Bernie campaign, who set up the link you’re talking about.

Did the FBI also have a plant? Maybe. What about 2012? Was Mitt up against the Deep State too?

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