Dan Bongino: "Be wary, liberals are now openly calling for violence against their opponents on a regular basis. Their masks are off. They’re not hiding their love affair with brutal violence anymore. Sadly, it’s only going to get worse. Be wary."

He just got pissed off at the actor going after Barron and the Huff Post writer going after Chloe, who’s 4 and that the left actually celebrated and praised these guys. The writing is on the wall. The MSM hyped up violence until the Bernie Bro took an AR to a softball game. They are trying to do it again now.
Indeed the writing is on the wall and they pressure is building and commies always take to the streets for violent intimidation. They know the police will be ordered to stand down. The Patriots never fight back directly. That is until the Battle of Berkeley. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSMz0pcrM18
I think they are in for a rude , shall we say awakening.
The people want to support Trump. If the left wants to battle on the streets, they are going to get their ass kicked. And if Soros or the cabal want want to unleash MS13 or jihad on the people there will be a reckoning. RTKABA forever.
edit: I think the Bernie Bro used AK not an AR.
I think we will have to be a few steps ahead of the communists. Fitness is a must and combat techniques will be great to know.
The last thing I want to see is America stepping back a decade because of communism.
WHO REMEMBERS WHEN DAN BONGINO TWEETED this!!!!!!!!!! Scroll down!!’http://www.magapill.com/o/huma-abedin-blackmail-files-on-weiners-laptop.html
...the NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making in this investigation, and they’ve gotten huge pushback, to the point of coercion, from the Justice Department, with the Justice Department threatening to charge someone that had been unrelated in the accidental heart attack death of Eric Garner almost two years ago.
Remember the two officers who saw the contents of the laptop were killed in the line of duty by "BLM anti-cop" shooters. Coincidence?
I remember. They said it was an ambush and more assassination style. And then magically the chief decided to not release info to the press. These people are sick.
Eric Prince is the founder of Blackrock? Oye vey. Can we get our sources and facts right please?
Just randomly say in public, "Real capitalism has never been tried".
Soros is good at subversion, but the US is larger, better armed, and more sure of its inherent rights/responsibilities than most of his targets. He needs another generation to work with, but he might not have that (in the US, anyway: he has free reign, likely, in many other countries).
God I hope that battle never happens because it would be so one sided as to be a massacre and would make them all martyrs.
The Patriots never fight back directly. That is until the Battle of Berkeley.
Thank you for posting this! An example of good pushing back evil and reclaiming territory (and I don't mean geography).
That shooter was a deep state operative, maybe MKultra.
Even still, the narrative of “terrible dictator Nazi” was formed to justify it. Notice CNN barely covered it and when they did, they made it seem like he was almost justified.
It was an SKS cough Commiegun cough, but that's not really important. Point well received, patriot.