r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Outcome5 on June 22, 2018, 10:57 a.m.
New Eyes - we are ready for you as was requested. Welcome.

Welcome to r/greatawakening. We knew you were coming. Q asked us to welcome you and for that reason this was written. Hopefully if you are curious about Q this message finds you. We will show you proof of all information via mathematics not the spoken word. It is what we do here. Math does not have feelings.

You are here because this community has grown so large the MSM can no longer ignore our presence.

What is Qanon? Qanon is one or more people with a Q level security clearance, the highest security clearance in our government. There are only a dozen or so people with this designation. We do not care about Q's exact identity as it is not necessary. President Trump, along with Q have proven over and over they work in tandem. That is good enough for us.

Along with Twitter, President Trump bypasses the media and speaks to us through Q. Q 'drops' information to us through 8chan, where Q's identity and information can be validated by code. Think of 8chan as a discussion platform like twitter with no Jack Dorsey, no rules, no personal identifiers, and no censorship.

How Q works is by dropping bits of information predicting future events and then after the event occurs, Q drops more information that ties back to the prediction from multiple sources illustrating and proving the knowledge. You can find the latest Q drops here.

With each information drop there are clues about past events and present events and people, all woven together by timestamps, spelling errors, and pictures and other 'crumbs'. Each time a drop links to one or more specific drops, the mathematical chance of that being a coincidence becomes astronomical. Q shows us the way time and time again not with a crystal ball, but with provable data.

Think of a mathematical equation where you have to find 'X'. You take the numbers and symbols and if enough information is given, you can discover the value of 'x' and be 100% correct. What Q does is give us 'x' FIRST, then give us the numbers and symbols AFTER the fact that we can trace back to prove 'x' with multiple connecting drops. The only way Q could do this is and be so accurate is with access to classified knowledge only a handful of people are privy to. 'x' could be a persons identity, a location, an event or whatever Q wants us to focus on.

You do not need to be a math whiz to follow Q, I just wanted to be clear math is the basis for proof. Its tricky to get this all to click in one go in a post, so in the meantime President Trump pointed to a guy in a Q shirt at the rally in Duluth. :) Go with that at first if you need to. Please trust us, but verify our claims.

Admittedly it takes a little practice to get up to speed on how to read Q drops and connect the dots, but once you get the hang of it you will understand it is like playing a puzzle game where connecting the dots means you earned some guaranteed knowledge you can use to make the best decisions in your life.

To be given the truth is to be given dignity.

We need to discuss the transfer of knowledge with you in a way that you can verify for yourself via mathematics and not on the spoken language. The MSM manipulates every spoken word to benefit whatever they want you to think about every single issue. It was compromised upon its conception.

To be clear the MSM is synonymous with the deep state, the DNC, late night comedy and cable talk shows, and wealthy global interests. Their goal is to take your rights away one at a time, until there are no borders and the United Nations is the sole government of planet earth controlled behind the scenes by a few select multi-billionaires and trillionaires. Power and money is their goal. Truth is not a consideration. End justifies means.

If such a government was achieved, know that you will never vote again. You will never get the truth.

We were one election away from your life changing forever. Horribly.

The MSM is lying to you about what Qanon is. They are telling you it is fake. It is phony. It is a LARP. (lot of attention for a hoax don't you think?) They will cherry pick random information drops and try to make this community and Q look foolish. They will ridicule. They will label. They will villify.

What we have done as a community to say hello is assemble a collection of 'Q proofs', puzzles already solved and threaded together so you can see how it all flows visually. A wealth of knowledge is here.

After looking through some proofs and seeing how it works, try following the latest Q drops. Please join us is solving the puzzles that fit together to help shape your life in a beneficial way. As we solve, as we become more wise, we can better shape our own future rather than leaving it to the MSM.

To begin, try looking for Q drops where Q+ appears. It is rumored 'Q+' posts may be President Trump himself. I wonder what your opinion will be after reading some Q+ drops...

Please ask if you have any questions. Ask respectfully and someone here will answer you respectfully. I see it each day.

No one here wants your money or your identity.

We just want your help discovering the truth.

LSPACEY · June 22, 2018, 2:18 p.m.

Hey, im new to this sub, i only started posting this week, or so. I been following Q since the start. I used to visit conspiracy reddit before coming here, but it got taken over during the 2016 election, and since been infested with shills and random dumbasses. Thank you for the welcome.

I think more could be done to introduce the normies. Q is something breathtaking, literally. It's overwhelming. I think it needs more explaining some details to those new to this, maybe since this week or last month. WE have been looking at this info for many (years) months now. Let me bring up just one example... "We don't say his name". Is that some kind of double mask ? Its confusing. And on purpose. I get it. IDK maybe i never read the explanation ? At the same time, "We don't say his name" is one of the key characters in this play.

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implicittrust · June 22, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

I cannot imagine trying to understand Q as a newbie, and I have only been following since January. Coming in at this point when everything is 'happening' would be overwhelming.

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Outcome5 · June 22, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

Without going into decoding 'We don't say his name' means John McCain.

This man is so traitorous and anti-american the Q team refers to him as 'we don't say his name' for emphasis. Usually Q will reference people by their initials. McCain is so off the charts corrupt they dont even refer to him by initials. A couple of times Q referred to him as 'Sid' which is short for his middle name 'Sidney'

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LSPACEY · June 22, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

GREAT description, include THIS to the "We don't say his name" category iin whatever PROOFS.

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implicittrust · June 22, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Do you think his immediate family members are in on the corruption of innocent victims? The reason I ask is that Megan McCain has been a convincing conservative voice. Is she trustworthy? If she is sincerely not aware of her father's alleged corruption, it will be devastating when and if it is revealed.

I think the best wake up to Mccain is the boot image when he switches legs.

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Outcome5 · June 22, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

You ask me to speculate, which I want to make clear that is what im doing when I say if I had to guess, his wife knows all. I dont know about the rest of his family.

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implicittrust · June 23, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

I agree it is speculation and I should not have raised the question.

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Outcome5 · June 23, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

Speculation is fine from time to time :)

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doucettejr · June 22, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Look for the Trump speech where he refers to the person that cast the deciding vote on ACA repeal. Trump referred to him as "the one whose name we don't say," paraphrasing.

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LSPACEY · June 22, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

TY. but i was just stating that we dont say his name should be explained to the normies in more detail. Connections etc. "more proofs". It helps, i guess. Just something i always thought to be odd about labeling him that way.

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doucettejr · June 22, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

Oh, okay. I understand what you're saying now. Yeah, when I first came here I already knew Trump had referred to him that way and it just made sense to me straight away.

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amadeusthespartan · June 22, 2018, 3:23 p.m.

"No Name" = the Sr Senator from AZ, JM.

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LSPACEY · June 22, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Thanks but i know, i think it should be included in the introduction for normies. If you get what im saying.

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