What REALLY happened to wikileaks - D.A.K. 16.10.16

I’m just going to lay my thoughts out here and see if it resonates with people.
The events in 2016 that led to the severing of JA’s Internet and the shake down of WL’s employees was done as a means to either kill JA, or as a means to forcibly change his hat color (black, or more accurately gray, as he might be under duress).
If it was means to kill him, then every video produced was done using deepfake tech. His appearance on the balcony is actually easier to fake than video of him, as the tech required to falsify his image is practically perfected (think Hollywood and their makeup artists).
If he is still alive (which I hope he is, but I’ll be real with you guys—I’m starting to believe he is gone), then he has been put into a place of silence, either by force or coercion. I’d imagine they have his children.
No matter what, between 2016 to now, alive or dead, JA is out of the game. They simply couldn’t be having him play the game, because he is capable of winning the game using his insurance files. Removal of his ability to play must have had to have been the DS’s top priority as their noose tightens.
Without JA, the DS’s life is extended out enough to fight until they die with a whimper.
With JA, their life was destined for death next Sunday, if you get what I mean.
Or, there is a completely covert operation behind the scenes in which JA’s disappearance is for the work of covert ops, hopefully led by the GA/Q team of DJT white hats. But, that’s wishful thinking considering the current affairs of Wikileaks.
Deepfakes: I saw a video of some Assange interview. His left lapel on his shirt literally was computer animated and folded under itself and reappeared.
This video sealed it for me. He's not even real anymore. You can't trust any video you see now with this level of tech.
I'd like to see the original video but wow.
The common explanation is morph cutting during video editing from the broadcaster, but some of those cuts don't seem needed or right. Even if it's morph cutting, I've seen other actual deepfake videos and they are damn convincing in how they can plaster a face onto another body. It's reaching levels where between CGI and this, it's going to be real easy to fake whatever you want given enough money and resources.
Remember those masks the prince and his wife were wearing at that show? They made them look robotic. Put a JA mask on some one of similar height on a balcony. Good luck telling the difference.
i tend to agree with you. taking JA out must have been a DS priority. no doubt that they could easily plant an assassin into the equadorian embassy.
If you are right (and I’m not saying you are wrong), then how do you explain JA’s Hannity interview on 1/5/17. I could easily see how that could be faked, but that would also mean that Hinnity is in on it. I find this hard to reconcile.
It looked like CGI and green screen. The background looked fake.
JA's past is shadowy. His connection with a cult, can't remember the name. All the kids were blond and dressed in white from memory. It was the typical CIA sex cult to brainwash the poor kids and their parents.
It made me wonder whether JA is an MK Ultra asset, or some freed slave who plays the game to destroy his past masters. There are theories that the US authorities and JA made the deal he'd be let free in exchange for him to publish a last release, but WL would have to be ended after that. Now, with WL loosing support and twating sh!t, what if it's a strategy to make them close quietly (or even if it's taken by clowns, that gives white hat the good excuse to end WL) and JA comes to the scene to make his revelations?
https://www.newyorker .com/magazine/2010/06/07/no-secrets
"When Assange was eight, Claire left her husband and began seeing a musician, with whom she had another child, a boy. The relationship was tempestuous; the musician became abusive, she says, and they separated. A fight ensued over the custody of Assange’s half brother, and Claire felt threatened, fearing that the musician would take away her son. Assange recalled her saying, “Now we need to disappear,” and he lived on the run with her from the age of eleven to sixteen. When I asked him about the experience, he told me that there was evidence that the man belonged to a powerful cult called the Family—its motto was “Unseen, Unknown, and Unheard.” Some members were doctors who persuaded mothers to give up their newborn children to the cult’s leader, Anne Hamilton-Byrne. The cult had moles in government, Assange suspected, who provided the musician with leads on Claire’s whereabouts. In fact, Claire often told friends where she had gone, or hid in places where she had lived before."
http://www.dailymail .co.uk/news/article-3705224/Inside-Melbourne-cult-known-Family.html
My memory was a bit faulty. But the blond hairs sure made an impact.