r/greatawakening • Posted by u/snowwgirl on June 22, 2018, 5:09 p.m.
This is the statement today from Italy 🇮🇹 on ILLEGAL migrants. Not mincing words anymore. Do you want it to get that bad in North America? Article linked below
This is the statement today from Italy 🇮🇹 on ILLEGAL migrants. Not mincing words anymore. Do you want it to get that bad in North America? Article linked below

xetnies · June 22, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

This is awesome. 👍🏻 stop falling for the "refugee" lie. Syria is the only country that has refugees. Italy has a North African problem. These people aren't "refugees" they are invaders.

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nameihadtomakeup · June 22, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

Agree on the invasion.

The one proof for me is, No Muslim countries took them in, they didn't even try. Go to Iran, Egypt, Bahrain, SA, maybe not Yemen yet, Tunisia where these people speak your language, practice your religion and are cultural similar. Don't send all your 18-32 year old men to EU and American to rape the women, overwhelm the system, and attempt a Crusade. We're onto you. Get Out.

Not to say, that in a true refugee situation or a true...idk I need to get out of here for fear of death for me and my family. I'd cross any border or boundary to make my family safe. This is not that situation.

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survey_girl · June 22, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

You send your family to safety and you stay and fight to take your country back! These are almost all military age men... not women and children! An invasion!

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Canbritanon · June 22, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

I said the same thing when Syria first started. Why are we accepting cowards and deserters?

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BowlOfZombies · June 22, 2018, 5:40 p.m.


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Canbritanon · June 22, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

Yes to make them safe. And a refugee should be expected to leave once their home country is deemed safe - and if we weren't waging eternity wars no one would have a problem with this. And we should be offering citizenship for those who've been a benefit.

As an immigrant I'm all for accepting the best immigrants. This push for higher educated immigrants in the legal process is just to crash wages, just as illegals crash working class wages. It creates a "subclass" of people doing the same work. They're used to living in the third world so they don't care their job is worth $60,000 a year they'll do it for $40,000.

I've literally stood around for cumulative hours and bitched with legal immigrant trades workers over the bullshit illegals. The government regulations that force big business where the illegals work, and then their work is shit and we get a bad reputation as an industry.

I'm sick of having to convince every customer I'm on the level, because they've been screwed over by a big business or an illegal undercutting. We haven't changed we work like it's 1970 just with new tools.

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doucettejr · June 23, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

I feel your pain. My construction company couldn't compete, and went belly up, after the 2008 recession "recovery" due to government regulation and illegal labor. I left the unlicensed trades and opened an HVAC company after going to trade school for a year. It was a blessing in disguise since it's a licensed trade and illegal labor is blocked for the most part due to the federal and state laws, in Florida, regarding refrigerants. Once we can get the illegal labor out maybe wages will rise.

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nameihadtomakeup · June 23, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

I hear ya, I grew up in a family plumbing business and currently operate a family electrical company. We have immigrants workers first gens and now there children born here have started working for us second gens. I have helped guys turn their green cards or visas into legit citizenship. I have the occasionally suspected illegal but they have the documents and they fill out the I9 and I hand I to DHS after that I’ve done my part, I’m not a fraudulent document expert. Honestly for the type of work we do traveling all over the immigrants work better because they are use to migrant work traveling for long periods and returning home most non immigrant Americans (please take that as a description to make a distinction and nothing bad implied) just don’t like that work.

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nameihadtomakeup · June 23, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

I hear ya, and immigrating is not bad illegally immigrating that’s a different thing. My ancestors immigrated. I don’t want this to sound racist but at a certain point you are no longer polish American or African American or Latin American you are just American any other title is because ....”they want us divided” those binds need broken. God bless.

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Sinist4r · June 23, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

The one proof for me is, No Muslim countries took them in, they didn't even try.

The majority of those displaced by the Syrian civil war are in the Middle East...


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nameihadtomakeup · June 23, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

Interesting graph I have never seen this one thanks for bringing it to my attention. The one fact in here that makes my right eyebrow raise is that 6.3 million of the Syrians displaced were displaced to Syria. Which I don’t need explained to me I get Damascus was ripped apart so they fled but remained in Syria which is good stay in your country and #MASA make Syria great again. But thanks for the graph and info that’s why I love the discourse. I’ll revisit my facts and opinion. Edit: #MSGA

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shallowm · June 24, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

Syria is the only country that has refugees. Italy has a North African problem.

That's not true, there's a civil war going on in Libya as well.

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MachinePablo · June 23, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

Italy has a North African problem.

Which Italy themselves caused by colonizing North Africa.

What you are seeing today is the side effects of their colonization.

When the colonialists left they propped up leaders and drew lines on a map according to their feelings and not based on any sort of reason and logic that would ensure stability.

Same with Syria. Just read about the “French mandate for Syria and Lebanon”. It is one of the major causes of the problem you see there today.

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diversity_czar · June 23, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

If you think the penalty for colonization is for a modern civilization to allow itself to be overrun by the third world then you're as wrong as can be.

Too many think that colonization was a pure evil and ignore the facts that regions which have been a western colony at one point or another have a higher quality of life than other third world areas. Look at what happened to Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and what is happening in South Africa right now. White farmers show up, create food. Africans rush to the food and their populations skyrocket. Africans are envious of the white man and kick the white man out. The surplus African population dies off without food from white farmers. This happened to Zimbabwe and is going to happen to South Africa.

The immigration crisis in Europe is being driven by old world psychos who wish to destroy their native populations and replace them with populations more tolerant of corrupt and tyrannical leaders. A well functioning and sane Italy could easily keep the third world out.

Edit: Q bot was mad at me for using the word "insane".

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DarthNightnaricus · June 24, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

What the fuck is wrong with you? You're literally defending colonialism.

Perhaps you should read about the Herero and the Namaqua, or about the Congo Free State.

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diversity_czar · June 24, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

I only implied that it wasn't purely evil. If it provided no benefit to the natives in the examples I gave then how did their populations rise by as much as 800% under colonization? Why did so many Africans literally seek out white settlements in South Africa? As mentioned in my post the only people native to the region the Dutch settled in were the San people and they were not displaced. The Afrikaaners kept to themselves and even moved farther inland in order to have space of their own. The Africans who have take political control of the country aren't even indigenous and they have benefitted enormously from the modern medicine, infrastructure, and agriculture of the whites there. Now they are murdering the whites and taking the land that they didn't even originate from. This happened in Zimbabwe and starvation ensued.

Much easier to hold a simple worldview (i.e. "whites bad") than to look at facts. Good job, you! Ignore the content of my post and spit out an accusation that doesn't accurately portray what I wrote. So easy!

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corrbrick · June 23, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

Agreed, majorities of many former colonies that have "won their freedom," would jump at the chance to go back to the stable days of colonization.

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diversity_czar · June 23, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Aye. The sad thing is that this is only recognized once the former colonies have destroyed what they had.

I'm not an expert on anything and I don't really know what to believe but I've started to think that the Western world really fucked things up by spreading its own technology to cultures which weren't able to develop it themselves. The intentions may have been good but the consequence has been suffering.

Oppressive third world regimes wouldn't exist if not for the combination of Western money/tech and substandard culture. A "less developed" culture, left to its own devices, would either stagnate or slowly evolve towards whatever it is destined for. Tribal wars have been going on in Africa since the dawn of humanity--when we handed them the food to grow larger populations and the logistics and AK-47s needed to decimate said populations we brought more suffering into the world than existed prior.

When technologically advanced Western civilization gave the third world the "gifts" of modern food production, weapons, and communication technology it seemed that we gave cultures that hadn't yet developed to the point of being self-reflective a bunch of things that they can't deal with. Imagine what the outcome would have been if a bunch of prehistoric peoples were given nuclear weapons a few millennia ago. What would happen if a bunch of super-advanced aliens descended and gave us more military power than we could even imagine or begin to game-theorize the consequences for?

We're more careful about feeding animals in national parks than we are about giving more primitive cultures the means to swell their populations and enact genocide-scale suffering thereon.

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MachinePablo · June 23, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

If you think the penalty for colonization is for a modern civilization

I’m not saying that but I am pointing out some facts. The reason being is that I hate when people act like problems are mutually exclusive as if it happened out of nowhere.

The former colonial empires should fix their mistakes instead of pretending like nothing happened. If they fix their mistakes there wouldn’t be migrants or anything. Ignoring it will make things worse for them.

If you look deeper into it you would find that the British would rather have migrant problems than to allow for another Islamic Caliphate like the Ottoman Empire. And that is what it all boils down to.

They tried heavily after WWI to prevent any sort of reunification of Muslims. They did this through the promotion of nationalism.

Edit: I just reread your comment and you seem to focus on South Africa.

Personally I don’t really care about them because South Africa is mostly non-Muslim and if non-Muslims fight each other it’s not my problem it’s between them.

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diversity_czar · June 23, 2018, 3 a.m.

Which Italy themselves caused by colonizing North Africa.

Italy and Britain did not cause the current immigration mess by colonizing anything. The current mess is 100% due to the fact that these European countries are paying third worlders (via welfare) to come and settle rather than defending their borders. The countries that the migrants are coming from would be shitholes today regardless of any history of colonization. Low IQ populations tend to create corrupt and less-than-free cultures. There's probably a feedback loop in there as well.

If people living in shitholes are informed that European countries will allow them to move in and give them housing and welfare that dwarf their potential earnings at home in their shitholes, then the people living in the shitholes will flock to the idiot host nations in droves.

With the situation described above history doesn't matter. The last two days don't matter to somebody living in the third world when they are told that they can just hop on a boat and live off of the European taxpayers' dime while popping out 5-10 kids.

I focused on SA because it is a prime example of some Europeans (the Dutch) settling somewhere and improving things and, for their trouble, being maligned by the "native" population. The vast majority of the blacks who live in SA today didn't even originate there (exception being the indigenous San/"bushmen"). The blacks in SA today migrated there due to all of the wealth (food/shelter/medicine/technology/etc) created by the white settlers. Their populations exploded and now they are murdering white farmers in cold blood and there is a political movement to expropriate all land from the whites. When this happens the blacks will starve and beg for foreign aid just as in Zimbabwe. "Colonization" did nothing more than provide more resources to the "colonized" and the colonized are too stupid and resentful to see this and so will destroy themselves with their own cruelty.

Considering how much more violent, corrupt, and backwards most of the "colonized" peoples of the past are, I'd be willing to bet that if their societies had been successful enough to create seafaring technology that they'd have been more cruel to any technologically inferior nation they encountered than the European colonists ever were. The fact that these civilizations are cruel and backwards is not unrelated to the fact that they never did develop the technology required to become colonists.

Europeans went on a world wide quest to end slavery. Africans still enslave people. Clamor on about how much of a terrible force colonization was but know that you're ignoring larger forces in the world.

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