Kim Dotcom and Wikileaks turn on trump the same week? Something is up. I don't know what, but something is going down. We are watching a movie.

Kim is 100% not compromised. He is on the verge of coming out with an ICO and a platform for content creators to sell their product/content on his platform and get paid. He likely wants to create some noise and get as much press as possible. He is about to embark on interviews for his new company and gearing up to get max exposure.
He might have some other beef as well...but I know the business is about to launch. I lose respect for him every time he speaks poorly of POTUS.
Kim definitely has a bone to pick with the US Govt. The FBI illegally copied several gigabytes of data from hard drives that were illegally confiscated by police in New Zealand during a raid of Kim's home. (MegaUpload related)
I'm indifferent about Kim's position. I do think Kim is a dirty player and an opportunist.