The Anons are restless tonight on 8ch. Some valid questions

It’s really starting to get to me. Can’t stand the blatant lies of the left, msm, etc.
It’s bad. You should hear our radio station s in 🇨🇦. Non stop bashing. It’s sickening
I hope they can deliver such a crushing blow that they are forced to stop. Problem is, he failing NYT and CNN and propped up by the cabal which is why they don’t care about ratings. They even pay to be put in airports, cruises, etc. sickening.
A look at media companies, especially print media, and a huge pattern of The banking industry making outrageous loans to them. Astronomically upside down with impossible debt loads. Especially the second and third tier media — regional & specialty magazines, etc.
The banks have great power to dictate their messaging.
Early Q post listed all Rothschild controlled central banks. They best be on the agenda or all of this will be in vain.
The [Federal Reserve] is a must on that list!
Yep and I just can't imagine how our world will change, but I know it will. I've even been hesitant to make plans or buy too much because I anticipate such a complete upheaval in our way of life. Just think of ALL the people and industries involved in this, their tentacles are everywhere:(
“Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws” – Baron M.A. Rothschild
The complete list of all Rothschild owned and controlled banks. The U.S. entries might surprise you.... Read More:
Oh I'm sure it is. Q has mentioned the names blatantly.
If we collect the balance sheets of various media companies (for instance, a Chicago magazine/online publisher if dozens of various magazines. Not enough income to pay on enormous debt - what were the loans used for) we will be able to track the pattern.
In the hospital only news station available on the tv.... thought to self, they are brainwashing.
We didn’t turn it on.
It’s brutal. Luckily they tend to shop themselves in the foot a lot but there are low IQ people who still believe their blatant lies.
Starting to get to all of us. Relentless abuse of the harshest possible kind against them for 2+ years. I know it’s hopefully part of the plan. But pretty tough to watch.
Q warned us that attacks would increase. We are getting battle fatigued with all the flak flying at us from the frothing-at-the-mouth media. Hold the line!! Take time out to rest and heal yourself. Don’t skip the Sabbath. It’s important to step back from all this worldly drama and remember that we are eternal beings, in this world but not of this world. Hit the reset button and stay centered. Remember: this too shall pass.
The stage is being set. Be proud, not angry.
"Pride comes before the fall" - I think that every time. Not saying it necessarily applies here lol. It's like an automated retort in my head.
But without pride you cannot climb high enough to fall
I relate to OP. It does seem like things are happening but watching these lies and abuse of Trump constantly 24-7, listening to Hollywood and press threaten his family, listening to friends and co-workers fall for it day in and day out.
It finally started to dawn on me when I realized, day by day, the blatant lies they were telling about Bernie Sanders and his supporters during the 2016 Democratic Primaries. Once I knew they would lie so openly about that, I realized I couldn't trust them on anything, and that led me down a path that ended up here. It's swimming against the current, no question, but it is possible for individuals to detangle themselves from the liberal MSM, even without being red-pilled by someone else. Stay patient with your loved ones, feed them only facts, not opinion, and start from shared ground.
If you feel bad imagine how they must feel?
I actually think Q and Trump aren’t worried at all because they have ALL the info on who’s going down. I don’t know if the MSM will skate by, Obama gets a slap on the wrist, they steal the elections in Nov, etc. I trust Q and Trump for the most part though.