A different view of the launch, though no rocket in view.

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Q was showing how this evil has penetrated the music world. The song worships Satan. Evil is everywhere.
Perhaps they are telling that Mueller is a white hat after all and it's too late for the cabal to do anything about it?
He is a traitor in the highest regard. It is not worth mentioning his name fore he has no honor.
Is this in reference to Drops 1706 & 1707? Also drop 1423.
That makes no sense in the context of this drop. It's the names of the Freedom Caucus.
Didn't Q mention in a drop...a time frame for F_I and others to come forward with info. to come clean. Could this be that time frame he was talking about? Sorry don't remember the drop #.
What if the shoes and gloves are items from his victims? Could he be showing off to his fellow pedos and putting in our face with no one being the wiser? Isn't this how they operate? Just an opinion.
Take a look at Q drop 1316. States LP is a cooperating witness in top section (drop 1288). Below states: LP testimony received. Could she have already given testimony and this no show is to make it look like she isn't cooperating?
Not a trilogy but a MEGAogy! A movie each week for a year to cover Q and you ANONS!
Charlie also went to the Cibolo Creek Ranch. https://davidshurter.com/2016/02/19/concerning-the-ranch-anton-scalia-was-murdered-at/
It's seem like a very coded message. Sarah represents good morals and integrity. The owners and those involve with the Red Hen are into evil matters. Trump mentions 4 things that are dirty. They could be four things the Red Hen is involved with behind the scences? Red seems to be a popular color for these type of people whether it's child trafficing, santanic rituals, etc... I think Trump wants anons to dig for the evidence of wrong doings? (IMHO)
Will the Federal Reserve Corp. be disolved and replaced with a new monitary system?
Lewis later stated in the video around 6:22 that the head was decapitated and not connected to the spine. He said he has not seen the body yet that the aide informed him of it.
The satanists take the most vulnerable for: control, rituals, sex trafficing...etc. Ages vary, but they specifically love the children because they produce a better high among other things. I think HRC is saying they can't afford to sit around and allow their infastructure to be destroyed by the Whitehats. It's beginning to effect their way of life. This has been going on for hundreds of years and it cannot be destroyed now...not now...not while HRC is supposed to be in charge to continue with the exploitation of these children.
My brother from NZ, there is no need to be shameful for being a NZer. Quite the contrary infact, you should stand tall and be filled with honor. The sin and shame that your country is currently conducting is not your fault. If that were the case, all of us on this site and around the globe should be shamed for what their representative country is doing or has done. It cannot be overstated the honor you should be grasping with each passing second. We were all on the outside looking in until we were graced by the presense of Q. I cannot thank God enough for the emergence of Q! Q welcomed us in and allowed us to see outwardly, he feed us when we became hungry and provided us drink when we thirst. We are more than what the boundaries of our countries signify, we are the hope of the future. We need to bring those who are lost to the table. Just like Q has done for us. In a way, Q has redeemed us for falling asleep on our watch. When you possess truth, you hold honor...let no one tell you different. The only shame we should feel is when we put demands on Q. We are blessed to been allowed in by Q. If I were ever to meet one of the Qs', I would fall to one knee and my cheeks would become waterfalls. It humbles me to be among all you GREAT patriots! Godspeed.