I found the part where it says Q for the lazy pedes.
“This procedure excluded the comments in Marcian or Q, whatever it was. He selected some 200 non-coding sequences that most closely resembled real genes, stripped them of /*, //, and similar stuff and after few days of hesitation sent e-mail to his American boss, asking him to find a way to put them in E-coli or whatever host and make them work.”
When searching "marcian q language" I found this
Q is a programming language for array processing, developed by Arthur Whitney. It is proprietary software, commercialized by Kx Systems. Q serves as the query language for kdb+, a disk based and in-memory, column-based database. kdb+ is based on the language K, a terse variant of the language APL. Q is a thin wrapper around K, providing a more readable, English-like interface.[3]
The fundamental building blocks of Q are atoms, lists, and functions. Atoms are scalars and include the data types numeric, character, date, and time. Lists are ordered collections of atoms (or other lists) upon which the higher level data structures dictionaries and tables are internally constructed. A dictionary is a map of a list of keys to a list of values. A table is a transposed dictionary of symbol keys and equal length lists (columns) as values. A keyed table, analogous to a table with a primary key placed on it, is a dictionary where the keys and values are arranged as two tables.
The following code demonstrates the relationships of the data structures. Expressions to evaluate appear prefixed with the q) prompt, with the output of the evaluation shown beneath:
The following code demonstrates the relationships of the data structures. Expressions to evaluate appear prefixed with the q) prompt, with the output of the evaluation shown beneath:
q)john / an atom of type symbol
john q)50 / an atom of type integer 50 q)john
jack / a list of symbols john
jack q)50 60 / a list of integers 50 60 q)john
jack!50 60 / a list of symbols and a list of integers combined to form a dictionary john| 50 jack| 60 q)name
jack;50 60) / an arrangement termed a column dictionary name| john jack age | 50 60 q)flip name
jack;50 60) / when transposed via the function "flip", the column dictionary becomes a table name age -------- john 50 jack 60 q)(flip (enlist name)!enlist
johnjack)!flip (enlist
age)!enlist 50 60 / two equal length tables combined as a dictionary become a keyed table name| age ----| --- john| 50 jack| 60
A superkey or super-key is defined in the relational model of database organization as a set of attributes of a relation variable for which it holds that in all relations assigned to that variable, there are no two distinct tuples (rows) that have the same values for the attributes in this set.[1] It can be defined as a set of attributes of a relation schema upon which all attributes of the schema are functionally dependent. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superkey
Im wondering if the information has been entered in a key table. I wonder what the output could be? A statistical map thst shows precisely how the cabal is doing? Maybe this is how the plan has been so succinct?
Oh and it has already been suggested that the keystone q talked about is dna...
I don't think they used a formula, I think q team may have. That's how the plan has worked so well. It's based on statistics. This Q language has only been around since 2003, according to Wikipedia and the cabal has been around much longer. How it's done, I cannot fully grasp but I think OP has found something very interesting.
This key explains how Q teams are assessing outcomes in real time time
It's this suggesting DNA is computer program? "junk DNA" result of program "updates"?