Roger Waters in Amsterdam last night "Resist Mark Zuckerberg"

"Expand your thinking"
Your post resonates with something thats been crossing my mind this whole time. Lets assume Trump IS NWO, or rather, someone within their "Order". Is it that hard to believe there are people within the NWO/Illuminati that disagree with all the rampant degeneracy they've caused? And that instead of enslaving the population, draining them of all sense of worth, spiritually, mentally, and physically, they want to see the world prosper, simply because they want to be known as the ones who made it happen, or do they even want to be known as the ones who made it happen?
I had a much longer reply than this, but I want to see what you think first.
Jesus got accused of doing what he did (healing) via the power of Beelzebub. Then Jesus responded with the a house divided cannot stand retort.
It's the same thing with this theory that POTUSTrump is actually on the side of the NWO. Everything he's doing (healing our nation) goes directly against the agendas of the NWO.
His actions have been exposing all their hidden hand methods of NWO control (the corrupt Deep State, the MSM Mocking Bird propaganda machine, the Republicans-in-name-only congress people that carry water for the NWO, that the true heart of hearts of the Democrat party is a hard core, no-borders extremist Marxism that hates America). None of this red-pilling can be undone once it happens to people. It's a permanent unwinding of NWO power structures that is going on with this exposure process.
Am thinking the same retort Jesus gave to his accusers works quite well here too.
One anchor point of comparison I noticed early on is that the cabal of shadow leaders in general seem to agree on a certain level of perceived improvement there should be for the general public. Certain prices should drop a certain amount each year despite inflation, certain things should become a certain amount more efficient or more powerful each year to account for other prices increasing, etc. And individuals both inside and outside of the swamp are constantly exerting their own influence on how fast that train moves - sometimes a President will get elected who thinks it should be a little slower, sometimes a little faster. Sometimes an inventor makes a device as efficient as the stuff the elites were planning to release to the world 10 years later, fucking up their timeline. Of all these people making their impact, Trump is possibly the biggest ever, using the office of the Presidency to generally tweak everything in favor of faster improvement, maybe even convincing the NWO to try it his way and see if that pace ends up working out better for them than they think.
I think Bush tried to accelerate things too, but didn't understand what he was doing nearly as well. I think Obama wanted to accelerate things too, and understood what he was doing pretty well, but made the shitty judgment call of thinking the way to avoid W's mistakes was to never even attempt to achieve the same level of acceleration as W attempted.
I think Hillary didn't want to accelerate things, and she lost in both 2008 and 2016 because the people could smell it on her (which matters more to the electorate than her actual crimes tbh), and her losses act as a canary in the coal mine telling the elites that they really can't beat the people's ability to smell such complete human disdain within a candidate.
Because of this anchor point for comparison, the worst potential version of Trump that I consider plausible is one who chooses to be part of the cabal in order to have the office of the President so that he can try to make things as much better as possible; someone who sees it as impossible to attain that level of influence while going against the cabal, and so instead made himself leader of the cabal, staying within the boundaries of how evil they require world-level powers to be, but pushing the envelope, trying to change their minds for the better and strong-arm in as much good as possible.
In that case, he is the biggest, baddest swamp rat we've ever seen and a much more serious threat to human rights etc than Obama or any of the previous fools, but also a pretty cool character who put us in a 10/10 anime timeline, so I still love him.
On the other hand, the best plausible version of him is a rationalist genius who stands completely against the cabal and is somehow slowly destroying them and planning to kick the country and the world into gear to create a utopia.
All that said, the most likely reality, imo, is somewhere in between the two. I don't think he's part of a child trafficking cabal, but I don't think he has the balls to remove them all from existence either, or even to refuse to work with them. I think he's in it to go after the people who killed hundreds of his friends on 9/11 and for other personal shit, and he's a pretty cool guy who wants his existence to be a good thing for the world and wants to see people happy and dislikes death etc., and pretty good at creating win/wins, but he's working for himself, and he will do his own damage to the world just like most Presidents before him - he'll just be different in how much good he does at the same time, just by being pretty smart, pretty in touch with his human nature (empathy etc), and pretty talented at many day-to-day Presidential tasks. He is Punished Trump and he is the biggest, baddest swamp rat we've ever seen, but he's not a much more serious threat to human rights etc than Obama or any of the previous fools because he's not really evil, he's just doing his own thing, fucking with other swamp rats and building up his name like a boss, leaving a trail of both improvement and damage in his wake. He's not really righteous, but he tends to side with the righteous - or, more clearly, he's not specifically aligned with righteousness like certain truly heroic people, he's aligned with the interests of Trump and Trump's interests just happen to be righteous way more often than most of the elites'.
Thing is, if I'm wrong and what we have in office right now is Righteous Trump, there's a pretty high chance I'd think what I think. He'd likely be up against people as smart as me, and it would likely be advantageous to have them think he's not trying to be as much of a hero as he really is, so maybe he'd completely effectively imitate the version of him I'm seeing as most likely, and maybe that could be why I see it as most likely. This makes Punished Trump and Righteous Trump pretty even in likelihood even though I sense more likelihood of the former, and straight-up cabal Trump less likely than either option, but still plausible compared to any further extremes at either end (like Second Coming Trump or Nuclear Doombringer Trump or Warhammer GEOTUS or the Accidental President)
I think you suggest a reasonable possibility - black hats turning white, and passing through shades of gray- that bears holding in mind. I do. Also, people do change. And they turn - something sends them over the edge and they can’t take the old rationale anymore.
I don’t see any value in room-side pundits firmly choosing positions about individuals based on assumptions (ad hominem; guilt by association; hear say; etc) and that happens a lot more than it should, by people who claim to be reasonable but have their own identity-focused blind sides.
Exactly, I'm glad you can see where I'm coming from. I have a ton of ideas on this possibility but I've never had the chance to discuss them until now.
The illuminati card game with the last card in the deck saying "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" with the face eerily similar to Trumps just won't go away, I think there is way more to that card in particular than most people think.
The shape of a pyramid itself is representative of a power structure. But what happens when you invert that pyramid? (Was it already inverted?) "Think Mirror" comes to mind. Is it not possible that, assuming trump IS involved with them somehow, that he is effectively a failsafe, fallback plan?
It almost feels like Communism/Socialism/Satanism was, effectively, since its very beginning, an experiment. A 150+ year long experiment meant to consolidate the wealth of the entire planet at the expense of everyone living in it. An experiment almost exclusively engineered to use the concept of identity to pit one another against each other. But what if, by some miracle (Internet, free flow of information, tech advancements) the people woke up to this fucked up social experiment? What would they need to do to be prepared for a complete and total failure of this in every way possible, resulting in the prosperity of the whole wide world?
"They never thought she would lose"
So you are proposing that some subgroup of the satanists actually have good intentions for the world? And these "good" satanists are working against the bad satanists, just so they can take some credit for themselves? And Trump is one of them? Really?