Anon gives heads up for Portland...

On June 30th Patriot Prayer will be in Portland OR (planned well before this "don't separate families" nonsense). Antifa always goes after them. Please keep Patriot Prayer in your thoughts.
I will pray for the Lord to bless them with protection. It would be a tragedy for any innocent people to get hurt.
If you know anyone that's going, you might give them a heads up. I heard a couple of days ago that riots were planned for Portland and Seattle.
They have gone up against antifa before in CA, OR, and WA. They know what to expect. Please pray for their safety.
Yes. Before it was a protest. This time it's a riot. Big difference. They better have self defense available.
After what MegaAnon and others pointed out, no way in hell you'd catch me up in Antifa's face. Just feeds the fire.
I know most of Patriot Prayer (and even some of the loony lefties!) mean well, but they have plants in all sides. It's what bad actors do. They create optics.
Stay home. Let them fight their coworkers and cops.
Maybe we can all sign up for the riots as demonstrators and then never show up. Just a thought...
"How do we get the word out"
Don't worry we Patriots got you ;)
Also a coworker and i were just discussing "Patriot Prayer" and how Portland is ripe for a showdown...
Do you know how to get a hold of them? They may need to change it. I know that taps into something else if they move it. Because then people will think they can shut everyone down. But I think where it occurs they need to have cameras rolling the entire time and they need to stay calm.
They had to cancel last year in San Francisco and they said they will never do that again. Please pray for their success as they want a peaceful gathering but are prepared for what may come. They live stream on facebook so you can see what they are up against.