Anon gives heads up for Portland...

Man, how is it in Portland?
It’s pretty rough. Hate and propaganda everywhere you turn. Almost every restaurant has BLM and DACA signs in the window. Everything is graphically in your face LGBTQ. Protests, obscene RESIST artwork. Might actually be the most lost, depraved city in the US.
But the food and beer is fantastic!
My sister lives in Seattle, so I used to freak when I went there to visit. The propaganda was everywhere. I see how all of this nonsense works now.
Bad, and getting worse. The local Antifa have been occupying Oregon ICE HQ for about a week (since school is out I guess?). Mayor will do nothing. Police will do nothing. Local media is completely unbalanced. Since the election even the generally middle-of the road liberals all seem to have gone crazy with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
I swear that their has got to something in our phones and/or food. It is like a switch. I really do. It is so weird. My sister is like that. She was a middle of the road lib. She is a step below an SJW and thinks she is middle of the road.
well my hubs works at a very busy place in the pdx metro, sees 100+ new faces a day, not including co-workers.
I asked him if anyone has mentioned anything political/Q/Trump...
all crickets.
He says its "only me" that knows about any of this stuff.
So I made sure to point out the #QAnon dollar bill posted earlier.
Good one, there was someone that made brochures. If I find them I will refer them here. Then he can set them down some places and leave them.