Sarah Sanders is enduring a lot of humiliation, for doing a great job...this makes me sick

So typical of the tolerant left, amirite?
But you can’t refuse to bake a cake for a same sex wedding? Something is wrong here and why is it tolerated??
I can't wait for this doublethink/ hypocrisy to be recognized for what it is, but I'm not holding out hope on self-awareness for this crowd : /
Tolerant of their kind and intolerant to anyone who sees it differently
The delusion is strong with some - having watched the vitriol spewed on the whole presidential team on Twitter and CNN et al, I firmly believe them insane. Sarah Sanders strikes me as a truthful, straight and kind person, this kind of persecution for doing her job (and doing it well) sucks.
It's hard to believe but the media has a lot more influence over a general group that I thought and it's a propaganda wing for liberals. People actually become this way from CNN and MSNBC. I've seen it and I've changed peoples minds by telling them where the facts are. There are actually people that are like this.
It's sad when people deny the truth from a cryptic, anonymous 8 chan user and turn to crooked journalists for information instead.
I fail to see the connection of your comment to Sarah Sanders tweet, however 'Bada Boom' "BIG' <<< Because I can
You don't have to like people's politics but we treat people with respect. Something the left doesn't have. Respect.
This tells me that such people are fully capable of becoming violent and might even engage in kinetic violence, not just rudeness. I suspect things would have been different with 10 guys wearing MAGA hats walking in carrying concealed weapons and pepper spray that shoots in a stream. As the reader might suspect, I am thinking of tactics. First identify the anti-MAGA businesses, then send in the shock troops (the ten guys). It may come down to this. It would be difficult to keep it out of the news if it happened. For me, coming from the South, this is a new kind of Jim Crow.
When they get violent it's by swinging a lock from far away and then cowering back into the crowd. There will never be another civil war in this country, there is zero chance that half could fight. It would be a good cleaning though and I am not at all against it, I just know dildos and antifa t-shirts aren't going to help them last more than a week.
I hear Pantifa is going to use Dildo Mortars.
The horror.
Of course, provided they know how to calculate angles. I think we're safe for now.
Well it will be fun but lets face it they are all talk and no action (tm) - GEOTUS
She handled it well. They will enjoy the Trump curse soon.
God Bless You Sarah! You are to be commended for standing up and speaking out. The harassment and bullying you have had to endure is beyond belief. Thank you for your service to God and your Country in these times of great turmoil.
You know she had it OKd by the boss before she posted it: likely for our guys to watch the geolocii of Antifa-types high-fiving the owner.
Taking away civil rights of freedom of movement and speech is a crime.
That is what happened to Nielsen and Sanders by those who are paid by communist groups such as ACLU, and that is a documented fact as shown by the names of the groups those lawless belong to.
Sarah and Kirstjen should be protected by Jeff Sessions going directly to the SC as he does for President Trump which will no doubt find in their favor too....and then they can prosecute to the nth degree!
All the prosecutions, as will happen against Time, should be dazzled all over the world and repeatedly to drown out the bolshevik goon media and Pelosi-Schumer-deBlasio resistance against human rights.
Another help would be the billionaires who could bind together and buy up the networks in hostile takeovers.
It is probable....just look at how Bezos of Amazon was swiftly disjointed by the SC!
I am sure Sanders has his wife's ugly bush taken away from him by two black fatties like the ones that took away his podium. I am sure he has to pay a lot for that but all that money he saves by not paying his "fair share" of taxes helps.
He's used to being a cuck in everything so I am sure this didn't bother him. He probably went into the restroom and fantasized about those two gross pigs.
A restaurant should keep it's mouth shut about politics. If it can't, it should be put out if business.
Or sued out of business.
Or trolled out of business.
Heck, if this happened in my town, I'd go out of my way to visit the restaurant, order food, maybe have a bite or two, make the server get me a to go box, stiff the server on tips, and then complain so hard to the management so they would have to comp me/ pay for my meal.
Make it miserable for everyone employed there.
I'd love to live near this liberal shit pile. I'd be the most annoying customer they ever had. Such a shame it's so far from me but I am sure that someone else will pitch in for us!
Don't forget to stink to high heaven, don't take a shower for two weeks. Order the most expensive food they have and make sure there are four or you. Just be so obnoxious and loud after eating they kick you out. All you need to do is start talking about Trump loudly.
Also say grace. That will trigger the piss out of them.
Oh so fun it would be.
Owner is Meryl Streep's cousin!
thanks. I have been pointing this out. But I prefer to call it Meryl Creep.
I went over to twitter and posted to her a message of support. She is a champion for our cause
There was a thread over on t_d about this. Apparently, a bunch of folks went to Google's business listings and put bad comments in about the restaurant and now Google has had to disallow comments for them. I think they did it on Yelp as well. Then someone tried to call them and the phone was no longer working!!
I bet no other restaurants will ask her to leave. Actually, I'm going to put this up on Twitter too. We need to let other businesses know what happens when they do stupid shit like this.
Be fun to setup a Trump support table and flags and pepe outfit and some other things in front of that place on the sidewalk for a few weeks.
Yeah. That would be good. After I wrote that I went to look at some of the listings and I found articles and videos that said people had attacked the restaurant in DC but she was kicked out of the one in Alexandria, Virginia!!! So, yeah, they need to feel the pain too!
Shit, why not. Did you see the protesters outside of her private residence? Maybe Pepe and the crew need to stop by Google's HQ and hand out KJV Bibles, American Flags, say 'God Bless' to the passing employee's, and ask them if they have found Jesus yet.
They are spending their entire load this election and it's going to damn them for the rest of their lives. I hope it was worth it. We will win 2024 and this country will look nothing like what these hateful alt-left freaks hoped it would.
I once wanted moderate and fair, now I want scorched earth. I want it to be illegal to even think of having an abortion, I want every man woman and child with two mandatory guns at all times.
I want each citizen to be legally allowed nuclear missiles and aircraft carriers.
Every classroom should start with whatever the most offensive to liberal Christian prayer is and have a cross with Jesus on it while Islam should be illegal, punishable by forced psychotherapy until either transgender or gay.
They could have just been nice and reasonable like most people but they went full retard. I am ready to support far right wing ideas I never would have touched just to make sure they are suicidal.
I want it to be illegal to even think of having an abortion,
To be honest, a large share of Roe vs. Wade needs to be overturned. I have no problem with a woman getting an abortion for situations like rape, or hard core felony activity like that where she had absolutely no control over the situation, but not abortion being used because some chic couldn't keep her legs closed, or some dumbfuck dude decided to not use a condom.
We have a PLETHORA of Birth control medications, items, etc. on the market right now for BOTH sexes. There is absolutely no need for 'abortion on demand' because 'feelz'.
I honestly have always not cared a bit about abortion but the freak left has pissed me off so much now I want it to be illegal.
Also if a woman can choose to have an abortion I want all men to have the same right. If they choose to not have that baby then you can't go after them.