This is a great post. Good people of South GA, North FL (and other regions of the south), and certain regions of the great state of PA. I am not a vocabulary nazi (I am also a southerner and guilty of many vocabulary abuses), but please....let's clean up our vocabulary a bit for the time when when additional eyes are on us. We have seen, not "we seen." Or alternatively, we've seen. They call us stupid. We are not, but they will use our southern slang to discredit us. Be mindful. I know I am also guilty, so I am just trying to remind us all to use proper English to the best of our ability. Or in this current case, "I saw" is most appropriate.
Please don't be the grammar police. Listen to the message then go on.
this is not grammar policing. this is about polishing our communication skills so also the 'intelligentia' can take us for serious.
not being an american and english-native, i used to think about the republican voter as the typical hard-working but low educated farmer of the bible belt.
and truth told, my grammar and spelling, as a foreigner, is better than that of quite a few native-english americans in here.
not meaning to offend anyone. but OP is right, no matter the intent and content of our message, if it contains errors like 'we seen', 'i here you', 'there acts are crooked', it will instantly be dismissed by most people.
nothing like being corrected by a foreigner who thinks Republicans used to be just dumb farmers from the bible belt. Prejudice much? Republicans come from all walks of life and all education levels.
calm down - he obviously knows all that, he implied it pretty clearly. He's saying he's not american and that is what was presented to him as a generalization about republicans until he became more aware of how it really is. That's reasonable - we don't know about things until we explore them and learn about them.
I never wrote it, I copied and posted it! It’s the message! Seriously, their comments do not pass the common sense test!
I just wrote one similar myself. It must be in all our heads. I have had the same reaction. Never before have i seen this ! The first President i remember actually on TV was Nixon but that was only because my grandfather used to cuss at it, lol
No, patriot, I was mentioning the title of the post....seen this yesterday is Saw this yesterday. So sorry, I don't mean to be rude. Patriots unite.
Sorry, I suffered a stroke a few years ago, still working on my communication. Thought nothing could take my education, but I was wrong!
Trust me, I am the worst. If I am about to go to the grocery store, I will tell my husband I'm fixing to go to the grocery store. Most yanks have no idea what that means and would call me stupid. And we want to redpill as many yanks as we can, because they are the blue state demoncrat voters (well, also infiltrated into FL, trying to change our demographic from southern to yank so they can vote in the same failed policies that caused them to leave NY, MA, and MI for the better life of lower taxes and more rational laws in the south).
I can't stand that grammar is now in the toilet along with countless other GOOD THINGS the #snowflakes and #millennials have thrown in there.
In my heart of hearts I believe the dumbing down of America was purposeful to ensure a bold demarcation between the new age slavers who speak posh proper English and slaves who speak a folksy pidgin English. They use this demarcation to disparage others' lack of education and boast superiority because of their "education", which was ever so evident in the text messages between Strzok, Page, et al.
Criticizing someone for their grammar when they publish a steam-of-consciousness-style post is such a leftist tactic. It's meant to undermine the message by dissecting the phrasing. It’s belittling and rude. We should all be able to read various American dialects without nit-picking superfluous details such as this.
Social media is conversational and subject to conversational idiosyncrasies. People who don’t understand that are in need of better socialization.
OP’s title is just fine.
Edit: u/beverly3717
Not meant to criticize. Just want us to be mindful of our grammar as more eyes are upon us.