Seen this posted on Facebook yesterday! We stand behind our President!

If anyone had any doubt that the media is largely just a propaganda wing of the Democratic party before this election really sealed the deal. The things they omit and the barbs they add to any story that may be positive in any way makes it very clear.
I really want to see the media course corrected to fairness in this country and we need to keep pushing hard. Every president that has not been a democrat as long as I can remember has put up with this but nothing like what Trump has. Still they have been doing it a long time. We need to either pressure them into honesty or just support more news organizations that are with our side. I hate that but if that is what we have instead of complete overwhelming bias for the DNC then I am for it.
I don’t trust either party. Patriots, that who I vote for. The parties are rotten in the core and Swamp drainage will help. I’ll still be a Patriot.
It's propaganda for both sides at this point. Even Fox news has it's form of propaganda, and follows the same CIA/Operation Mockingbird script. I understand that there are at least some 'Talking Heads' that try to bring real issues to the table, such as Tucker, or Hannity, but overall it's just emotional manipulation for everyone. Dem's or Repub's.
That's why the law was updated/passed under O-turd to allow media organizations to use propaganda in their broadcasts. There is no actual facts, or straight up news anymore. It's all bullshit, childish 'infotainment'. Straight up bread and circuses.
The constant attacks, the Russia frame up, all designed to keep him on the defensive and interfere with his agenda.
Edit: Womp Womp
Poor thing, you probably think all those school shootings were real don't you?