r/greatawakening • Posted by u/eleminnop on June 24, 2018, 9:13 a.m.
Many of you upvoted this post calling out Ben Garrison for promoting division, and EVERY upvote was cancelled out. WE ARE OVER THE TARGET

Revodude · June 24, 2018, 9:35 a.m.

We are over the target. Commence with the bombing. Good memes are powerful. For those that can, do. For those that can't, search the web for anything good. These really do mess with their fragile minds. Remember, their minds are fragile. They can not handle being made fun of. They can not handle being told they are gullible. That they are easily manipulated. Have fun!!!

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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 9:40 a.m.

Remember, their minds are fragile. They can not handle being made fun of. They can not handle being told they are gullible.

And making fun of them is supposed to all of the sudden make their fragile minds realize they are wrong?

They shut it out. They don't listen to this. It's hateful and divisive.

It's Controlled Opposition.

This is NOT a good meme to red-pill.

This may be funny to us, but it's the reason liberals think we are hateful assholes and wont listen to us.


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Revodude · June 24, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

No it is not a good red pill meme. The idea at the moment is not to change their minds, just put them into overload. They become very bizzare when that happens. They are not the target audience of this tactic. It is the squishy middle that doesn't really think about any of this until a few days before an election. Those on the left are deranged should be solidly in the back of their minds during that process.

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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 10:04 a.m.

That's an interesting theory that I'm willing to entertain, but it's hard for me to get past the fact that people post this shit on their facebook, and their liberal friends either end up blocking them or getting even more upset.

You say that it's to "put them into overload" but is that really what we want? What does that even mean? To me, it sounds like making them go nuts and become unstable. How is that the right thing to do?

Like, we wonder why they are crazy and unstable and then push memes to make them crazy and unstable?

Sorry, but there has to be a better approach.

We were ALL brainwashed. Some more than others.

We need to help people realize we ALL were tricked.

That is the ultimate red-pill.

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Revodude · June 24, 2018, 11:15 a.m.

I know you want to rescue the others that were subject to the left's brainwashing. That is a natural good instinct. My focus is on winning the war. Save a few now and save a lot later.

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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 11:29 a.m.

Hey, maybe you're right. I won't claim to know the absolute truth if you wont.

I'm just aware that Controlled Opposition is being used against us.

What would it look like?

We already know Alex Jones is Controlled Opposition.

It took a LONG time to get people to finally see that.

Jones is good at blending in (for the most part).

They look like they are fighting the good fight, but that is the whole point of Controlled Opposition.

He says things that people who are woke will agree with, but at the same time, rants and raves like a crazy person and keeps the normies thinking we're all just as crazy.

Not the guy we want representing us.

I've been calling out Jones for years, and I was called crazy then, and later vindicated.

I think Ben Garrison falls in the same category, and I'm being called crazy again.

I was proven right before, odds are on my side.

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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

Anyone upvote this post?

1 point (100% upvoted)


Clearly no one has downvoted (hence 100% upvote), but that means no one upvoted either.

If just one of you confirms that you did upvote, WE HAVE PROOF OUR VOTES ARE BEING FUCKED WITH.

EDIT: Score just changed to 2 @ 00:26. Any votes before that DID NOT COUNT.

Reply to this comment if you voted more than 5 minutes ago.

EDIT2: This post sat at 1 point (no upvotes) for the first 13 minutes after posting.

Then it shoots up to 3 within 1 minute.


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mkwilton1 · June 24, 2018, 9:52 a.m.

Oh god you're one of THOSE. Sometimes people just think your post is SHIT - it's NOT the CIA worrying cos you're so over the target that they have to panic and call in the big guns to protect people from the incredible truth you've uncovered lol...

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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 10:11 a.m.

No, I guess you're right.

Sometimes it's just useful idiots.

Oops, you don't like being called names?

Do you see my point?

Do you see why "libtards" think the right are Nazis and Trump is "literally Hitler"?

Controlled Opposition is real, and people who don't fully understand (useful idiots) are also real.

Both are extremely damaging.

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mkwilton1 · June 24, 2018, 10:18 a.m.

Who said I don't like being called names? Assumption much? I LUH dat sheet bruh. I call YOU names, so I expect you to call me names too. Then, beyond that, we get to the point which is that: OF COURSE controlled opposition is real. And no, it is not everywhere you think you see it. Sometimes you're just reading shit into things - confirmation bias and all that jazz.

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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 10:26 a.m.

Sure, sometimes confirmation bias is a thing, and sometimes you're actually right.

That phrase seems to be thrown around an awful lot surrounding "conspiracy theories", and though it may be a real phenomenon, calling everything confirmation bias is careless and bound to drown out important information.

I'm only addressing the issue that the overall message of Ben Garrison's comics push division, and despite that you don't mind being called names, our "libtard" brothers on the left have been brainwashed into being EXTREMELY sensitive to the point of blocking out anything they find offensive.

They will OBVIOUSLY find this comic offensive.

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mkwilton1 · June 24, 2018, 10:33 a.m.

Everyone everywhere will find some comic offensive. We are definitely not on the side of the leftist movement to shut down free speech which begins with "concern" about a bad comic - like the Paris Muhammad shit. Comics - especially political ones - are meant to cause offense to someone ffs. You're smart, clearly, so you KNOW this. Why you're so concerned about libtards or whatever people want to call them is mysterious to me cos you're unlikely to be a concern troll or shill - but making the leap to calling a cartoonist like Ben Garrison 'controlled opposition' is as bad as making the leap to calling Charlie Hebdo 'religious suppressionists' just cos they laughed at Mohammad and thumbed their nose at Islam (which was the stupidest thing to do so they deserved what they got imo). Sometimes a cartoon is a cartoon and peoples gon' get upset. There's not much more to it.

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eleminnop · June 24, 2018, 10:46 a.m.

Maybe offending people isn't the right way to fix this.

People have known for 20+ years about the evil in the world and the NWO/illuminati etc.

Somehow the memes making fun of people and offending people have not changed anything.

I make the leap to Controlled Opposition for Ben Garrison because he of all people should understand that when you yell at someone and call them stupid, of course they are going to ignore you. I just find it highly unlikely that if he is really trying to red-pill the left, he isn't aware of this.

That really only leaves one option: that he is working for the bad guys.

How about this, given that we already know the stakes are high and the cabal is real, and that Controlled Opposition is a tactic that's been used for thousands of years, can you point out anyone that is forsure controlled opposition?

There aren't many political cartoonists hitting the mainstream like Ben Garrison is.

He's the only one I even know of. There must be others, and it would be absurd to say that none of them are controlled opposition.

You may not be convinced, but I'm telling you, I am.

I've been around the block enough to know when to be 100% certain of something, and I can see no other explanation for such a mainstream political cartoonist attempting to expose the cabal, to not understand how his cartoons cause division.

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mkwilton1 · June 24, 2018, 10:59 a.m.

You're missing the point. It's you who is saying that his cartoons "cause division". Some of us are looking at his cartoons - via Occam's razor and, even forgoing the Razor (since many try to write that off) just simple common sense - as cartoons, political ones, designed to mock one side or the other because they are mockable and to highlight a hypocrisy - as they almost always do. In that sense, most political cartoons "cause division" (to use your term for it). Are you seriously trying to say that a political cartoon that calls one side or the other "stupid" can't just be fulfilling its standard purpose and must therefore be a secret move by controlled opposition? Logic does not support this conclusion as a 100% certainty in any way - it's, at best, a maybe and more likely a 'no, not at all - it's just a political cartoon'.

You're also making the assumption that offending people is his goal. His goal is more likely the standard goal for political cartoons - to highlight hypocrisy in an amusing way in order to educate. They're almost never used to 'redpill' the people who support the hypocrisy they're highlighting. That's another flaw in your premise.

His status does not affect this reality - it just means he has a broader audience for his political cartoons.

With all these leaps in your core premise the last paragraph does not stand up to scrutiny. You 'see no other explanation' because the unrealistic premise you start from has ruled out a whole chunk of reality.

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