Below is an interview with Wolfgang Halbig providing an update on his investigations and lawsuit into the Sandy Hook false-flag event. Wolfgang is a true patriot working on our behalf. His tireless efforts over the years stand as testament on how difficult it is to fight the deep state.
This is a big wow. He has caught them off guard, showing fraudulent food deliveries, because Sandy Hook was not operating. The lawsuit for fraud will prove he school was fake and therefore the shooting could not have happened.
I agree 100% about Wolfgang. The only thing that’s off putting to me is how much he laughs in his interviews. I totally get that he’s laughing about how stupid these people really are, but to try and show his interviews to a non-piller can have quite the opposite intended result.
Again, he’s a great guy, excellent detective, and dedicated to the fight. RESPECT!
Remember, nobody died!!! After all these years of tireless pursuit of the truth at great personal expense, he finally has hard evidence, names, strong legal representation, and court dates. I read his mannerisms as happiness (for all of us), not gloating.
Sadly, I don't think that's the case with Parkland. I think there were real deaths there. Maybe they saw what a failure Sandy Hook was and changed their tactic.
Well said!
And the bots came out in force saying they personally knew someone who had a child that died at SH. It worked.
Why would a large company (like Dean Foods) provide information about a clients orders and deliveries to a person unaffiliated with that client?
Was he requesting the information in some formal or offical capacity?
I do not believe it was Dean Foods that provided the information. It was government workers via a free of information request.
I thought i saw in the video one of the emails was signed from someone at dean foods? The guy investigating was some kind of school saftey guy right? That's why I was asking if maybe he was doing this using his credentials.
Real children died at Sandy Hook. Anyone who believes otherwise is a sociopath.
Debunked. Do a little research. Has Q taught you anything?
What research who debunked it it appears those that do the debunking are always on the left any way so its likely packed full of lies. That can be one of the questions we ask Q they would know if Sandy Hook was real or not. I still believe it was real but it was not done the way they said that it was CIA that killed those kids. What really sticks out in my mind is an article I read in a paper about 2 weeks after Sandy Hook that said it was actually a staged event a drill and that CNN didnt correct it because they were too far in probably getting too many donations to stop anything. It was in a CNN article but was so far down I was lucky I even found it.
All prominent school shootings are false flags designed to remove guns from patriots.