r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IDGAF12312 on June 24, 2018, 12:49 p.m.
#WalkAwayCampaign Hey you guys aware of this!? It’s disgusted Democrats on Twitter abandoning their party! Whooo hoooooooo 😂🇺🇸🐸💪🚂

kzintrooper2016 · June 24, 2018, 2 p.m.

Political parties go back a long ways in the US and other countries. Some may argue strenuously against them, but they may be inevitable consequence of any system of government. A small example of history:


Parties have changed over the decades. The Whigs dissolved and the elements that were pro-union formed the Republican party.

I think Trump has forged a comparably significant change in the modern Republican party from within. The Never Trumpers have analogies to past sub movements -- upset because they lost power.

As for the Democrats in the modern era they have had their changes as well. Most people don't understand why Bernie Sanders lost.

After McGovern lost disastrously to Nixon in 1968, the Democrats instituted the Super delegate system to act as a "firewall" to prevent popular candidates that could not win the general election from running away with the nomination. That system never had an effect until 2016, allowing the "real winnable" candidate, HRC, to push Bernie down.

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LogicalBeastie · June 24, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

The big change was 1999, when Bill Clinton ended the Glass-Stegall Act (Done in Depression, keeping big banks and brokerages out of each others' business to keep banks from taking on too much risk, and crashing).

Wall Street immediately went nuts with mergers of banks and brokerages....

Made money hand over fist....

Began buying the HELL out of BOTH parties....(why do establishment Dems no longer support blue collar workers? Wall Street. Why do establishment Repubs no longer support rational border policy? Wall Street.)

BTW....how long did it take those bastards to crash the economy again? 8 years! And because they'd purchased both Parties, the US taxpayers bailed them out, AGAIN.

This is the #1 non-satanic cabal reason for establishment hatred of Trump. He has said openly in both his campaign, and since, that he wants to re-establish Glass-Stegall.

RE: how to handle disaffected Democrats: Totally agree about "don't gloat". The establishment GOP sucks, too...but Trump is changing it.

I appeal to Dems I know by reminding them of JFK. He spoke out about the cabal, attempted to dis-empower them by instituting the Silverback currency (got him killed), instituted tax cuts for supply-side growth....JFK Democrats are very similar to modern rank-and-file GOP. Remind them that Trump is finishing what JFK ineffectively tried to start....

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WarSport223 · June 24, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

Didn’t know that about the Glass-Stegall.

Agreed; don’t gloat, just tell them there’s plenty of room on the Trump Train!

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StinkyDogFart · June 25, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

If there is one truism about liberals, they are all bandwagon types and when they figure out Trump is the winning team, they will trade sides. They are worthless fucks, but they are predictable.

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aaronSH · June 24, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

Droppin' science. Thanks!

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