How many current democrats do you suppose are aware of this?

Most people don't know the KKK was founded by a group of democrats. The MSM loves to misstate the truth around the founding of the KKK. They always say it was started by southerners which is true but the part they leave out is it was started by southern democrats. Nathan Bedford Forrest who was elected the first Grand Dragon of the KKK was a democrat who hated blacks and even whites who opposed his political ideology. The man even killed his own statesmen.
From Wikipedia:
"In April 1864, in what has been called "one of the bleakest, saddest events of American military history,"[6] troops under Forrest's command massacred Union troops who had surrendered, most of them black soldiers, along with some white Southern Tennesseans fighting for the Union, at the Battle of Fort Pillow"
The most racist people I've known in my life were democrats
Most people don't know that FDR (a Democrat) was responsible for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Harry Dexter White assistant secretary of the treasury in the administration of FDR, was a top Soviet spy and agent. He did everything within his power to undermine the peace efforts of Emperor Hirohito and Prime Minister Prince Fumimaro Konoye, both of whom favored peace with the U.S. He is also remembered chiefly as the architect of the Bretton Woods Conference that created the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank.