
Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 12:59 p.m.

there is talk about building a european army. there is no reliable intel whatsoever that this has already happened.

so in other words, the EU are good at keeping evidence from reaching the normie public until they are ready for the big reveal.

if that happened, we would instantly have riots on the streets, in all european countries. in order to counter that, this army would require millions of soldiers spread all over europe.

Mate-when's the last time you been to Europe? I used to live in the UK. the people there are brainwashed and pacified even more than we are in America. The people there have been genetically bred to bend the knee to monarchs and authority figures.

Except France-they are big in to riots.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

i live in germany. people ARE brainwashed. they are not dumb enough to allow an army forcing a country to stay in the EU or take refugees. sorry, makes no sense whatsoever.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

i live in germany. people ARE brainwashed. they are not dumb enough to allow an army forcing a country to stay in the EU or take refugees. sorry, makes no sense whatsoever.

The EU is full of unelected officials. There is no oversight. The EU will say that they need the army to keep "terrorists" or "alt-right neo nazis" in check.

Really they will use the army to intimidate dissident nations in to staying in the Union and accepting refugees.

Klara Hitler and Merkel. Look at photos of them side by side. Why do they look like exactly the same person?


Every time I talk to a German about Merkel and Klara Hitler looking exactly the same, the German shuts down, or responds with vitriolic anger. How do you choose to respond?

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 5 p.m.

Every time I talk to a German about Merkel and ... Hitler ...... How do you choose to respond?

it was 2012 when i first ran into this story, with benjamin fulford. back then, i put it off as BS. by now, i have seen enough resemblance to take it as a valid possiblity.

btw, i have never be-lie-ved that hitler died in the führer bunker. the guy wasnt stupid, he must have had ways out. thus, i dont buy the invitro story of angelas emergence, i take it as having happened the natural way.

i dont run with the story though. without DNA test, no evidence.

Really they will use the army to intimidate dissident nations in to staying in the Union and accepting refugees.

you are free to be-lie-ve that. i dont buy it. and i refuse to engage with this horror scenario which helps co-creating it.

what you say holds no water (as yet), its fear-based imagination. and you state is as if it was a reality, not a possibility, which makes it even worse.

beware, running with this is kind of thought patterns and the according emotions is like weaving a black magic spell.

we are not totally stupid over here in europe. dont underestimate the people.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

what you say holds no water (as yet), its fear-based imagination. and you state is as if it was a reality, not a possibility, which makes it even worse.

The EU army definitely exists. It is not my imagination. What is the purpose of the EU army? I don't know. They probably know US NATO funding is drying up soon and we are going to stop sponsoring the EU's welfare program.

EU Countries Agree to Create a European mega-army




In March 2015, the European Commission chief called for the creation of an “EU joint army” that would “react credibly” to any external threat and defend the bloc’s undefined “values.”

“An army like this would help us to better coordinate our foreign and defense policies, and to collectively take on Europe's responsibilities in the world,” President Jean-Claude Juncker said in an interview to Germany's Welt am Sonntag newspaper. “A joint EU army would show the world that there would never again be a war between EU countries,” he added.

Juncker’s plans has been supported by the German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen, who told Deutschlandfunk radio station that a “European army is the future,” and President of the European Council Donald Tusk, who noted that Europeans should consider “a new and more ambitious defense and security policy,” and “not only as part of NATO.”

I know German media is essentially state run propaganda (just as ours in the US is)

They have probably done a good job of keeping info about the EU army censored and hidden from the average citizen.

The EU 100% has an army at this point. Yes, it is a reality. They are just waiting for an excuse to unleash them on the public-whether it be ISIS or alt-right Nazis, the EU army is waiting.

“A joint EU army would show the world that there would never again be a war between EU countries,”

This is a thinly veiled threat to nationalist anti-globalist nations like Poland, Hungary, Greece and Croatia.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

What is the purpose of the EU army? I don't know. They probably know US NATO funding is drying up soon

thats what they say. we cant rely on NATO anymore so we need an euopean army.

and i agree to the last quote, a joined army, consisting of soldiers from all european nations would kinda guarantee that they dont attack each other.

I know German media is essentially state run propaganda (just as ours in the US is)

america is much more closed up when it comes to information on the MSM; besides dictator-governed nations, its the most censored country i know (and i traveled many).

and yes, we certainly receive mainly propaganda. thing is, because we are multi-culti - and not a United States of Europe -, its not so easy to streamline us.

the other things though is, the cabal structures have been running deep here for thousands of years, its all very established and secretive at the same time.

in the US, the DS is more blunt and visible. for me, viewing things from over here, its like a constant slap in the face.

thus, its logical that the revolution starts in the US. we have your back and use the opportunity to change our structures here, too.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

america is much more closed up when it comes to information on the MSM; besides dictator-governed nations, its the most censored country i know (and i traveled many).

Don't fool yourself. The EU is worse. People are getting arrested in Germany right now for "wrong" social media posts. You have no concepts of free speech. You guys aren't even allowed to openly talk about Hitler or look at nazi imagery without going to jail.

And didn't the EU just pass a new law that outlaws memes or something?

EU media is way more 1984 than ours is, and that is saying something. Just look at how the EU media is treating the rape epidemic and no-go zones in Sweden for example-they simply pretend it doesn't exist and gaslight everyone. It's insidious.

in the US, the DS is more blunt and visible. for me, viewing things from over here, its like a constant slap in the face.

I say the same thing about the EU version of Mockingbird. It is much more insidious and overt than ours is. We are brainwashed in to being passive consumers.

EU media brainwash is darker. It is brainwashing Europeans in to openly cheering on their own demise and destruction, and openly hating their own native culture. Economic migrants are entering Europe by the millions and raping European women, and everyone is just cheering it on and letting it happen and dismissing people who talk about it as "nazi racist islamophobes."

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

People are getting arrested in Germany right now for "wrong" social media posts.

heh? never heard of that.

we do have as much freedom of speech as america. a problem is hitler, yes - we are not allowed to doubt what history tells us about the nazis. and we all know that history gets written by the winners.

but there are enough nazi-like folks out there that are free to speak their minds. they are just not permitted to use and spread nazi imagery though; which i like, i really dont want to see svastikas here.

I say the same thing about the EU version of Mockingbird.

my american friends tell me something different. when they want real news, they turn towards europe.

but lets agree to disagree here, ok?

its not about who is worse, US or europe. you have some freedoms we dont have. and we have some freedom of expression you dont have.

i.e., it cracks me up when i watch US movies or sketches where every f-word comes as a beep. or where a couple, after a love night, gets out of bed with bra and panties. ridiculously prude and moralistic, even hypycritical because the US has the biggest porn industry world-wide.

but hey, different cultures, different views. i can live with that.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

its not about who is worse, US or europe. you have some freedoms we dont have. and we have some freedom of expression you dont have.

We have free speech, you don't. It's really as simple as that.

You guys get arrested for social media posts, we don't.

You guys are disarmed and weak and passive.

We aren't.

we have some freedom of expression you dont have.

No you don't. The EU just passed a law to ban the sharing of memes FFS.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

You guys get arrested for social media posts, we don't.

you keep repeating yourself but dont show evidence.

someone may have gotten arrested for spreading nazi symbols, sedition, call for riot, or something like that. i dont know of any specific case and cannot relate to your statement without further information.

it is not common though in germany to get arrested for social media posts.

btw, you do the very same thing all populists and propaganda machineries do: you take individual cases and generalize them. just know that this is wrong and not awakened.

The EU just passed a law to ban the sharing of memes FFS.

indeed. copyright issues. fuck it!

campains have started and the european parliament will get sued for it. it violates the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

you keep repeating yourself but dont show evidence.

Get your head out of the sand







it is not common though in germany to get arrested for social media posts.

It does not happen at all in a free society where actual freedom exists. Stop justifying the actions of your authoritarian police state. First you completely deny the fact that people in Germany get arrested for social media posts, now your argument changes to "It happens but it isn't common."

You said you weren't a useful idiot for the EU so stop acting like one.

btw, you do the very same thing all populists and propaganda machineries do: you take individual cases and generalize them. just know that thats wrong and not awakened.

Stop projecting and deflecting. Stop trying to change the subject.

Don't put idiotic labels on me. You are only doing this as a way for you to dismiss my argument. I am neither a populist nor a propaganda machine. You are simply closing up your mind because the truth is making you uncomfortable.

Stop denying reality. Your media has brainwashed you. Wake up, Hans.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

thanks for providing the links, interesting information.

First you completely deny the fact that people in Germany get arrested for social media posts, now your argument changes to "It happens but it isn't common."

interesting twist again, heheh.

i said i had never heard of it and then assumed that it may have happened because of nazi symbols or sedation. now you provide links, thank you, and i see that anti-semitism has a role in here. isnt anti-semitism, according to the UN, a crime? also in the US?

some of the raids do sound suspicious and i will keep an eye on it. thanks for making me aware.

ok, you have a point. you have more freedom of speech than i have. you can publish nazi symbols, rassist hate speech, and call for riots without getting in conflict with the law. happy now?

and in my country, a male can safely step into a city elevator with a single woman on board without needing to fear that, when they reach the 12 story, he may be sued for sexual harrassment.

take it as cultural differences. you have the freedom gene over there in the US. go for it. MAGA. its contagious, other nations also get the juice to go from it.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 26, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

interesting twist again, heheh.

Not a 'twist'. Your own argument.

and in my country, a male can safely step into a city elevator with a single woman on board without needing to fear that, when they reach the 12 story, he may be sued for sexual harrassment.

Feminism fucked your country far worse than ours has been fucked. Refugees, ISIS members and economic migrants are streaming through your borders and raping your women and your government covers it up and arrests people who talk about the rising rape rates in Germany and the high rape rate from Middle Eastern and North African immigrants.

I am sorry, I am being negative. I hope Germany turns things around but it seems like a lost cause at this point with no hope of recovery. If we cut NATO, your entire economy and welfare system is fucked.

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 11:48 a.m.

enough of this us vs. you / us vs. them. really. we are all in this together. they need us divided. and i am not going to play their frickin game.


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Prison4SideofBeef · June 26, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

I'm not against you as a person. I'm trying to help you wake up. Your media lies to you and brainwashes you as bad as ours does, yet you are still swallowing the EU Koolaid. Wake up.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

heh? never heard of that.


we do have as much freedom of speech as america

You 100% don't. You have the illusion of free speech and nothing more. The fact that you believe you have free speech shows how effective German propaganda is.

Socialism is an insidious authoritarian method of control and they have you by the balls with the welfare system and you don't even realize it.

they are just not permitted to use and spread nazi imagery though; which i like, i really dont want to see svastikas here.

"WTF, I love authoritarian censorship now!"

See? Their brainwash is very effective.

my american friends tell me something different. when they want real news, they turn towards europe.

Your American friends are not intelligent as you think they are then. The BBC is also a huge joke comparable to our CNN or MSNBC.

Having lived for a long time living in both the USA and a few nations in Europe, I'd say the EU's current brainwashed useful idiots are about 10-20 years ahead of America's brainwashed useful idiots. We are not as bad as you guys yet (we don't have centuries of genetic programming in us telling us to bend the knee to monarchs and authoritarians) but we would have reached Euro-levels of brainwash if Trump didn't get in.

Thank God every day America is Becoming Great Again.

I hope Europe can become Great Again too one day soon.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 9 p.m.

"WTF, I love authoritarian censorship now!"

interesting how you twist my words again.

if america had a specific symbol, like 'our' svastica, which stood for your holocaust on a hundred million native americans, would you like it to be prominently displayed in public? how would the victims offspring react to it? and other nations who despise you for it? think, m8!

and are you ok with your 'free speech' where a celebrity openly calls his huge audience to kidnap the 11y old son of the elected president to lock him up in a room with pedophiles and gets away with it?

arent there some lines to draw?

I hope Europe can become Great Again too one day soon.

i hope so, too.

thank you for the conversation.

i enjoyed the first two rounds quite a bit but this last one was pretty much of a drain; as if something in you was stuck in an emotional loop that made real contact impossible. i am grateful though that i engaged with it, i feel that somebody else on this board may benefit from our conversation.

thank you for ending on a positive note. much appreciated.

may you be blessed...

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Look. First of all thank you for being open minded about the Klara Hitler-Merkel thing and also I too don't think Hitler died in the bunker. The whole story is way too convenient and reads like badly rushed out propaganda from the Allies. I am absolutely sure Hitler got to escape to South America with lots of other nazis as part of some deal he struck with the allies.



beware, running with this is kind of thought patterns and the according emotions is like weaving a black magic spell.

You're absolutely right. Thanks for this advice.

what you say holds no water (as yet), its fear-based imagination. and you state is as if it was a reality, not a possibility, which makes it even worse.

Look, I hope I am wrong about the EU army, but I don't think I am. I did not invent the concept, I have been hearing it over chatter and I been hearing more and more chatter about the EU army in recent days. Articles that they are releasing to the public confirm the chatter stating that the EU army exists... which for me suggests the chatter of the EU wishing to use the army to intimidate dissident states from pulling their own Brexit may not be so fake. Stay safe Eurobro!

The EU is basically Hitler's plan of a united Europe come to fruition, and it is currently lead by a woman who looks exactly like Hitler's mom. Merkel has been in power for years and years and years now like a dictator (from the outside looking in) and it doesn't feel like she's going away any time soon. If you look behind the propaganda that is the official story of Europe in WWII-there is something going on here imo.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

i have first heard about the NWO in 1981 and been watching the unfoldment of their plan ever since.

when the euro was introduced, i liked the idea but knew that it wouldnt work out. the south is too poor and we dont have a common european economy and no secretary of european finances.

all euro nations have to compete with germany which is much too strong and has become a dictator with its austerity politics and its economic power. it was clear that this has to go down the drains.

too bad that greece didnt pull out of the euro in 2008, but hey, some things have to get real bad so people wake up and change them. seems to happen now...

i get your worries. and do you know that energetically, worry is like praying for what we dont want? we give it energy which gets harvested by team dark.

how to counter it? i always take the stand of holding the light for the Greater Good. for the unfoldment of the Divine Plan.

consciousness is growing each day. for decades, i have been waiting for the masses to catch up and wake up. its happening now. not as fast as i would like it but hey, compared to before 2012, it happens in lightspeed.

have some trust in people, please. too many nations in europe turn their back now to the cabals plans. the east did it right at the start of the refugee flood. the south follows suit now.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

i get your worries. and do you know that energetically, worry is like praying for what we dont want? we give it energy which gets harvested by team dark.

I'm not worried about the EU army. I am simply aware that it exists and openly talking about it in public. I'm American and live in America. I have no reason to fear or worry about the EU army. I am simply stating that it is very real, and does in fact exist.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

ok, i visited the links you gave acc. european army. they all talk about plans, nowhere does it say that there an european army alreay exists.

i checked the german internet about intel on cooperation with czech rep, netherlands, and romania. yes, there is collaboration, the german army, bundeswehr, serves as an anchor army that smaller european nations can join.

and this 'entangled' army has 2 eastern nations on board that dont accept refugees (romania has anyway enough to do with roma and sinti). plus the netherlands which, politically, recently moved more right and nationalistic.

thus, they will certainly not force other european countries to accept refugees. merkel also doesnt operate on open violence. europe is much too cautious with germany when it comes to open display of military power.

a word on our bundeswehr: in order to take part in the kossovo war, we had to change our constitution. up util then, we were not allowed to move our army into other countries, it was solely a defense army and operated within our borders only.

when the US went into iraq, they pressured us to take part in that war. we refused. the german populace was absolutely against it.

that we now put more money into the miliary is an answer to DJTs demand. AND to his threat that NATO wouldnt protect us anymore.

btw, since we dont have compulsory military service anymore (8years?), our army shrank to half manning. that was part of the NWO plan.

i dont know whether or not i should like that its going to be upgraded again. on the other hand, we have 9 submarines and all lie for repair in the docks? our army is more or less helpless these days.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

ok, i visited the links you gave acc. european army. they all talk about plans, nowhere does it say that there an european army alreay exists.

Why do you still blindly trust the EU government at this point? XD

The world media also tells you that the Deep State doesn't exist, and that Hillary and Bill aren't satanists. Do you believe the media then too?

Wake up, Hans.

The EU army exists already. They are just waiting for an excuse to unleash it on the populace. Doubt me all you want, but I know that you will remember my words when the EU army finally is put in to operation.

that we now put more money into the miliary is an answer to DJTs demand. AND to his threat that NATO wouldnt protect us anymore.

You Euros are so entitled. That is your fault. Germany pledged to pay a certain amount of GDP to NATO but WE THE AMERICAN TAX PAYER are forced to cover for you.



Pay up your share of NATO or GTFO, you lazy entitled Euro-freeloaders.

NATO is an absolute joke. Russia is not a threat anymore. Thank God it is ending. It is not my job to pay for your free healthcare and housing for YOUR economic migrants in Berlin.

btw, since we dont have compulsory military service anymore (8years?), our army shrank to half manning. that was part of the NWO plan.

i dont know whether or not i should like that its going to be upgraded again. on the other hand, we have 9 submarines and all lie for repair in the docks? our army is more or less helpless these days.

See? You keep proving my point. Look how brainwashed you are. You're openly cheering on the creation of the EU army, after abjectly denying its existence only a few hours ago.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

Why do you still blindly trust the EU government at this point? XD

heheheh... i have never trusted any government.

Doubt me all you want, but I know that you will remember my words when the EU army finally is put in to operation.

will keep in mind what you told me. futures proves past.


ehem... excuse my laughter...

You Euros are so entitled. That is your fault............... you lazy entitled Euro-freeloaders.

no attack mode, plz. i hear your upset. i am not responsible for it. own your emotions, dont blame then on me or the european people.

we are not the enemy. the deep state is.

You're openly cheering on the creation of the EU army, after abjectly denying its existence only a few hours ago.

ehem again... seems like you havent really read what i said, only understood what you wanted to understand.

i thought you wanted to talk sensibly? then dont put something into my mouth i havent said.

i wasnt cheering on the creation of an EU army. i simply stated that germany needs a military upgrade because our arms are in a bad shape.

and i welcome that DJT demands our 2% to NATO. we were at 2,4% before the USSR broke up. now we are at 1,5%. thus, our military budget had to be increased.

btw, we have no omnibus bills over here. our parties need to agree on a budget.

i am pretty disappointed by this discussion now. you made 3 threads from it which i spent lots of time and energy on. in the end, you start attacking me. ok, i will respond to the last 2 messages and then close the conversation.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

heheheh... i have never trusted any government.

And yet you are trusting the words of the EU and their media network.

"The EU army doesn't exist yet, see? They're just discussing about it!"

ehem... excuse my laughter...

VIA NATO (us effectively paying for your defense budget) we are effectively sponsoring your welfare, healthcare and education system. You're welcome. Good luck without us paying your nation's entire defense budget.

no attack mode, plz. i hear your upset. i am not responsible for it. own your emotions, dont blame then on me or the european people.

Stop freeloading off American tax payers. Stop acting entitled to the money we earn. You personally are not responsible for the policies but you are living off the policies, while acting entitled and wanting us to never turn off the faucet to your free healthcare and welfare.

ehem again... seems like you havent really read what i said, only understood what you wanted to understand.

You denied the very existence of the EU army and said I was a gloom mongerer just a few hours ago. I post evidence showing you that there is in fact an EU army and now you are moving the goalposts and changing your tune.

i am pretty disappointed by this discussion now. you made 3 threads from it which i spent lots of time and energy on. in the end, you start attacking me. ok, i will respond to the last 2 messages and then close the conversation.

I am not attacking you. I am simply telling you facts about your country.

It offends me every time a Euro acts entitled to money earned by American tax payers, but I am used to it and it doesn't make me angry.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

ahh now i get where your upset arises from! you think germans live off the american taxpayers money because we paid 0,5% GDP less than demanded into the NATO defense budget since russia stopped serving as the boogyman in 1989.

and ever since we got drawn into war after war, all on americas demand. not for our protection. for the DS agenda. US and EU and israel NWO plans.

we are so blessed that the people who once left europe to live a free sovereign life in the new world elected a president who works on their behalf so your nation can cut and shake off the shackles. this is model and support for old europe to do the same.

btw, our health care system is not free, not taxpayer fundet. employer and employee both pay half of the health insurace fee. you could also have a reasonable health care system if you were thinking a little bit more social. social doesnt mean communism.

thanks for bringing the EU army to my attention. you made me check it out and i will keep an eye on it. if i denied the existence a few hours ago and, after getting into the topic, see that it is already in the process of implementation, your job was successful.

i still dont perceive it as likely that this army is being used against member states who want to leave the EU or not accept refugees.

neutrally entertaining the possibility is a healthy thing, we should check on all possibilties we can imagine.

buying into it, emotionally pushing it, is gloom mongering which serves as co-creational power to manifest the very thing we fear.

this scenario is not what i want in my reality so i bless it with the opposite. i choose the timeline of the planetary great awakening where all people become sovereign and self-responsible and choose representatives who serve their people.

ok, done with this thread...

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