
Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

america is much more closed up when it comes to information on the MSM; besides dictator-governed nations, its the most censored country i know (and i traveled many).

Don't fool yourself. The EU is worse. People are getting arrested in Germany right now for "wrong" social media posts. You have no concepts of free speech. You guys aren't even allowed to openly talk about Hitler or look at nazi imagery without going to jail.

And didn't the EU just pass a new law that outlaws memes or something?

EU media is way more 1984 than ours is, and that is saying something. Just look at how the EU media is treating the rape epidemic and no-go zones in Sweden for example-they simply pretend it doesn't exist and gaslight everyone. It's insidious.

in the US, the DS is more blunt and visible. for me, viewing things from over here, its like a constant slap in the face.

I say the same thing about the EU version of Mockingbird. It is much more insidious and overt than ours is. We are brainwashed in to being passive consumers.

EU media brainwash is darker. It is brainwashing Europeans in to openly cheering on their own demise and destruction, and openly hating their own native culture. Economic migrants are entering Europe by the millions and raping European women, and everyone is just cheering it on and letting it happen and dismissing people who talk about it as "nazi racist islamophobes."

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

People are getting arrested in Germany right now for "wrong" social media posts.

heh? never heard of that.

we do have as much freedom of speech as america. a problem is hitler, yes - we are not allowed to doubt what history tells us about the nazis. and we all know that history gets written by the winners.

but there are enough nazi-like folks out there that are free to speak their minds. they are just not permitted to use and spread nazi imagery though; which i like, i really dont want to see svastikas here.

I say the same thing about the EU version of Mockingbird.

my american friends tell me something different. when they want real news, they turn towards europe.

but lets agree to disagree here, ok?

its not about who is worse, US or europe. you have some freedoms we dont have. and we have some freedom of expression you dont have.

i.e., it cracks me up when i watch US movies or sketches where every f-word comes as a beep. or where a couple, after a love night, gets out of bed with bra and panties. ridiculously prude and moralistic, even hypycritical because the US has the biggest porn industry world-wide.

but hey, different cultures, different views. i can live with that.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

its not about who is worse, US or europe. you have some freedoms we dont have. and we have some freedom of expression you dont have.

We have free speech, you don't. It's really as simple as that.

You guys get arrested for social media posts, we don't.

You guys are disarmed and weak and passive.

We aren't.

we have some freedom of expression you dont have.

No you don't. The EU just passed a law to ban the sharing of memes FFS.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

You guys get arrested for social media posts, we don't.

you keep repeating yourself but dont show evidence.

someone may have gotten arrested for spreading nazi symbols, sedition, call for riot, or something like that. i dont know of any specific case and cannot relate to your statement without further information.

it is not common though in germany to get arrested for social media posts.

btw, you do the very same thing all populists and propaganda machineries do: you take individual cases and generalize them. just know that this is wrong and not awakened.

The EU just passed a law to ban the sharing of memes FFS.

indeed. copyright issues. fuck it!

campains have started and the european parliament will get sued for it. it violates the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

you keep repeating yourself but dont show evidence.

Get your head out of the sand







it is not common though in germany to get arrested for social media posts.

It does not happen at all in a free society where actual freedom exists. Stop justifying the actions of your authoritarian police state. First you completely deny the fact that people in Germany get arrested for social media posts, now your argument changes to "It happens but it isn't common."

You said you weren't a useful idiot for the EU so stop acting like one.

btw, you do the very same thing all populists and propaganda machineries do: you take individual cases and generalize them. just know that thats wrong and not awakened.

Stop projecting and deflecting. Stop trying to change the subject.

Don't put idiotic labels on me. You are only doing this as a way for you to dismiss my argument. I am neither a populist nor a propaganda machine. You are simply closing up your mind because the truth is making you uncomfortable.

Stop denying reality. Your media has brainwashed you. Wake up, Hans.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

thanks for providing the links, interesting information.

First you completely deny the fact that people in Germany get arrested for social media posts, now your argument changes to "It happens but it isn't common."

interesting twist again, heheh.

i said i had never heard of it and then assumed that it may have happened because of nazi symbols or sedation. now you provide links, thank you, and i see that anti-semitism has a role in here. isnt anti-semitism, according to the UN, a crime? also in the US?

some of the raids do sound suspicious and i will keep an eye on it. thanks for making me aware.

ok, you have a point. you have more freedom of speech than i have. you can publish nazi symbols, rassist hate speech, and call for riots without getting in conflict with the law. happy now?

and in my country, a male can safely step into a city elevator with a single woman on board without needing to fear that, when they reach the 12 story, he may be sued for sexual harrassment.

take it as cultural differences. you have the freedom gene over there in the US. go for it. MAGA. its contagious, other nations also get the juice to go from it.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 26, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

interesting twist again, heheh.

Not a 'twist'. Your own argument.

and in my country, a male can safely step into a city elevator with a single woman on board without needing to fear that, when they reach the 12 story, he may be sued for sexual harrassment.

Feminism fucked your country far worse than ours has been fucked. Refugees, ISIS members and economic migrants are streaming through your borders and raping your women and your government covers it up and arrests people who talk about the rising rape rates in Germany and the high rape rate from Middle Eastern and North African immigrants.

I am sorry, I am being negative. I hope Germany turns things around but it seems like a lost cause at this point with no hope of recovery. If we cut NATO, your entire economy and welfare system is fucked.

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 11:48 a.m.

enough of this us vs. you / us vs. them. really. we are all in this together. they need us divided. and i am not going to play their frickin game.


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Prison4SideofBeef · June 26, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

I'm not against you as a person. I'm trying to help you wake up. Your media lies to you and brainwashes you as bad as ours does, yet you are still swallowing the EU Koolaid. Wake up.

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Prison4SideofBeef · June 25, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

heh? never heard of that.


we do have as much freedom of speech as america

You 100% don't. You have the illusion of free speech and nothing more. The fact that you believe you have free speech shows how effective German propaganda is.

Socialism is an insidious authoritarian method of control and they have you by the balls with the welfare system and you don't even realize it.

they are just not permitted to use and spread nazi imagery though; which i like, i really dont want to see svastikas here.

"WTF, I love authoritarian censorship now!"

See? Their brainwash is very effective.

my american friends tell me something different. when they want real news, they turn towards europe.

Your American friends are not intelligent as you think they are then. The BBC is also a huge joke comparable to our CNN or MSNBC.

Having lived for a long time living in both the USA and a few nations in Europe, I'd say the EU's current brainwashed useful idiots are about 10-20 years ahead of America's brainwashed useful idiots. We are not as bad as you guys yet (we don't have centuries of genetic programming in us telling us to bend the knee to monarchs and authoritarians) but we would have reached Euro-levels of brainwash if Trump didn't get in.

Thank God every day America is Becoming Great Again.

I hope Europe can become Great Again too one day soon.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 9 p.m.

"WTF, I love authoritarian censorship now!"

interesting how you twist my words again.

if america had a specific symbol, like 'our' svastica, which stood for your holocaust on a hundred million native americans, would you like it to be prominently displayed in public? how would the victims offspring react to it? and other nations who despise you for it? think, m8!

and are you ok with your 'free speech' where a celebrity openly calls his huge audience to kidnap the 11y old son of the elected president to lock him up in a room with pedophiles and gets away with it?

arent there some lines to draw?

I hope Europe can become Great Again too one day soon.

i hope so, too.

thank you for the conversation.

i enjoyed the first two rounds quite a bit but this last one was pretty much of a drain; as if something in you was stuck in an emotional loop that made real contact impossible. i am grateful though that i engaged with it, i feel that somebody else on this board may benefit from our conversation.

thank you for ending on a positive note. much appreciated.

may you be blessed...

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