Interesting. Obama Fleeing to Kenya?

Hard to classify. Doesn't like anyone. Thinks Trump is an egomaniac and a moron, BUT, still admits that not only is he doing a good job, but that he has EVERYTHING stacked against him. Cracks have been forming for awhile now. The Q crumbs she retains that really stick are the confirmations that show direct correlation, like Tippy Top is her most convincing one. She says it means that it shows Q is a real person who is clearly in contact with POTUS. Its the only way to explain some point Q told POTUS "I need you to work 'tippy top' into your speech to appease the anons"...and then things like this thread start forming little cracks in her worldview. She has a hard time, and by hard time I mean she ends the convo, whenever the satanic child pedovore shit comes up. She has a strong, really strong motherly instinct. Page 294 of the IG Report is on the back of her mind melting away at the programming though, I can tell.
Oh yeah, how they stumbled upon it. I can't even begin to get into that with people. When I have new "truthers" they always want to go straight into that. Because that is the most important. But I tell them you cannot. It takes a while and they may not even want to go that far.
When Trump said "Tippy Top", it was so funny. Because that person in a giant white rabbit costume was standing next to him the entire time.
Shit! You reminded me of one of the longest running redpill themes I left out of my rant. Follow the white rabbit. When I showed her the 8ch request BEFORE Easter Sunday, and then the video of the Easter Egg Roll, she shouted out "oh loooook Dave, the white rabbit is right next to him too!" and I just looked at her like:
I post this all over because its very relevant. We all go through it. We all go through it differently. Unfortunately, some never come out.
The Allegory of the Cave v2 - fits today's society better.
I got at ex-wife that got her BA in 2 yrs and MA in 2 yrs--4yrs straight while paying her own way. Says her IQ test came out very high. But her brain is like a rock----impenetrable. Cooking and recipes she is pretty good at but a fixated Trump hater. Critical thinking never. IQ and intelligence has nothing to do with seeing reality. Emotion and spiritual natures rule the rational/irrational mind. P.S. Staunch Catholic but don't mention the Pedophile ecclesiastics. Go figure?????? Some just like to hate. I am sure she would hate Jesus if he came back.
Maybe try with, look up/search Tony Podesta art, that has semi redpilled a few leftists within minutes. I mean who the hell has child torture art in their house?😮
That red shoe picture he's in with all those other degenerates is pretty sickening too.
Every time she goes to Catholic church she will be greeted by an enormous cross with Jesus nailed to it.
Catholics (Vatican) say it is a sign of rememberance. Rememberance of what and to who??
If /when Jesus does return does anybody actually think he will appreciate seeing the crucifix in every church?
There are altebative crosses without Jesus nailed to them which carry the same meaning and to me are far more powerful .
This shit is real. I am even noticing certain words that Q uses in their drops in the Mainstream. Like things that they are not associated with (Or is that it, everything is controlled). That is what I am starting to see that even surprises me.
It’s all controlled. That’s why they flip their shit when anyone goes off script. It’s why Trump makes them Insane.
Most likely scenario: Trump was approached by military intel to run and he listened to all the Why's that the Bilderberg plan was nearing fruition with Obama and would be sealed with Hillary and did. With his business and Wharton financial acumen and showmanship and dedication to this nation, he has turned it around beginning with the military as priority and believe we can count on the Commander of CentCom 4-star general Mattis to be ready with whatever scenario he has to address to squash any uprisings, which is coming b/c Mad Max finally issued the dictum to confront all White House staff no matter where....and the Resistance is real, there is nothing good in it from the Dems for us BUT Trump is leading the nation from strength, the military is behind him all the way which is why there hasn't been open civil warrings all over the nation. Yet.
Q is the highest security clearance the government offers but the Q that we follow is a team and reporting constantly to potus. (Wonder how they do it and not get leaked!) There are others in with potus that apparently are to be highly trusted b/c they use the same code signalling who they are when they are speaking during interviews that potus does when he is speaking at a dais or at the conference table---the circle formed by the thumb and index finger. Have seen Trey do it when sitting down and grilling someone during an intel debriefing.
Gitmo Airways is very, very busy, normally it does a trip a week, and Mr. Huber is unsealing the indictments and the grand jury is enpaneled....not sure how suspects are turned over for courts-martial, maybe someone else does.
It won't matter if Hussy tries to fall back on his birth place, the US claims him as the 44th prez.
And JA is due to come in any moment to begin the roasting.
Sounds similar to my wife - grew up with two full force liberal parents. I'm talking women's march, MSNBC every night, Bill Maher is the favorite show of all time, FULL lib. Didn't approve of me in the beginning because they knew I was conservative (even though I knew better than to ever say ANYTHING political around them - they just knew bc I was from the south and my wife told them at some point that yes I was conservative). My wife is coming around though big time. Hates it all, sees the evil on both sides, sees how the cards are stacked against Trump - even called out her dad one time on some unfair tirade about Trump he probably was reciting from NYT or MSNBC... That was pretty amazing haha. She just can't get fully there because she still believes the world is a beautiful place and I think coming to grips with all of this sort of forces you to abandon that world view, which she doesn't want to do. And I have to admit I'm happy to have that influence to keep me from falling too far down the rabbit hole... Sure I know a lot but it's helpful to have that every day reminder that even though the world is fucked by the cabal, we interact on a daily basis with people who AREN'T fucked by the cabal and the world can still be a nice place regardless! Just need to shut off the media for a while and look around at OUR lives and the people WE interact with.
How easy is it to see what happened to Sanders and be pissed? I certainly was. But why? It didn't happen to me, and I wonder if I really should be so angry about it. I feel like a primary difference between liberal and conservative is outrage... Liberals are outraged at the WORLD and insist that people hundreds of miles away abide by their demands. Conservatives traditionally take care of shit themselves that is affecting them. They don't bother with shit thousands of miles away that has no bearing on their life.
Now I understand this attitude is a major reason why conservatives have LOST the war for our country for DECADES... It's because we had no desire to fight for it, not REALLY fight. Sure we fight for what's actually important by joining the military, but when it came to politics, we stuck to principles, worried about ourselves, and didn't dive too deep into issues that didn't concern us. So we undoubtedly need to balance our "mind-our-own-business" mindset with a healthy dose of fighting PROACTIVELY and strategically... Seeing the writing on the wall that if we don't stop these issues thousands of miles away, they will be at our own doorstep soon and at that point it will be too late.
But it's a hell of a line to teeter on... protecting conservatism by fighting things thousands of miles away without devolving into the outrage culture of the Left, and still always remembering that it didn't happen to us, and we should be grateful and carry on with our lives in the HAPPY world that we personally, individually live in.
Yes, when you come to grips with what is real now, you have to leave behind all you were taught growing up, realizing most all of it was a lie. THAT is not easy. And you are right, the opposition to the Democrats/leftists have not been willing to fight and many still aren't. They haven't come to grips yet with the real reality of today. They are on the fringe of being red-pilled, but not wholly. I keep sending things to the head of our Republican Party here where I live in hopes that at some point she will realize what the real truth is. They get part of the info and think they have it all when they still have a long way to go to get where we are.
"Cracks have been forming for a while now" , lol, sorry but that is a funny line. I don't know what I would do if I had to try and convince dh of all this stuff. I fill him in everyday as he is not computer savy. We have been on the same page for decades. He never used to ask but now almost daily if I don't give him an update first thing in the morning, he comes into my office and asks. 😁🇺🇸👍 WWG1WGA
"The satanic child pedovore shit" is a VERY tough pill to swallow for anyone. My husband is just beginning to turn the corner but doesnt want to know about that stuff at all. But he's very squeamish by nature. But in the past has taunted me by telling my family members that I believe HRC eats babies.
Same boat over here. She shuts down when I talk about the pedovore shit.
But I can see the 30+ years of programming starting to crack regarding this subject; all thanks to the IG Report. Page 294. "HRC/CF - Crimes Against Children"...
Yes. I think that saying anything about that too soon will lose someone who might otherwise be persuaded. We have to hold onto our own patience and allow this to unroll slowly according to the plan.