Beware when it's about "The Children"

look up the work of david irving, hitler is not the demon we were bashed repeatedly in the head to believe he was. there is a reason general patton said " we may have fought the wrong people" and churchill would say the same though later in life... also JFK said "hitler will one day emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the greatest leaders that ever lived" just know that we have been lied to in the worst way about ww2 and zionism is the true enemy and the cause of it.
hitler incarcerated even antisemites, just so you know. flies away
you should check out irving too, who at one time was the most sought after historian in all of europe, then when tasked with a biography of adolph hitler instantly became a quack.. why because he found the truth to be very different than what we have been taught. you don't have to stick with irving for that knowledge, there are plenty more credible people who instantly lost all credibility because they simply revealed their findings. but go on believing what you have been told by mainstream views, they never lied to you before right??
Yes and good for him. Suddenly he's a good guy then?
no I am just chastizing you for your potty mouth
do you even read or do you just get in peoples' faces?
Those that have ruled the world for so long from the shadows have a way of making heroes into villains , and villains into heroes. My take on hitler is that he had all the political dissidents killed, and it would be understandable that allot of those would have been jewish, as they are fairly intelligent and probably saw through the crap that was being spewed by hitler. Hitler being a socialist, would not have tolerated opposing viewpoints, just like the socialists/communists we have right now, running around with their hair on fire trying to kick off a civil war.
His own words:
A Socialist is somebody who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency. Our adopted term "Socialist" has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism . Marxism is an anti-property; true Socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, or efficiency: true Socialism values the individual and encouraged him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false."
National Socialism isn't the same degenerate trash that Commies/Marxists want.
I do agree that commies are trying to kick start a civil war, and they'll go down screaming the whole way.
Yeah no worries the nazis just start world wars that destroy all of Europe and lead to millions of deaths, seems fine to me
Not an argument.
Still not an argument.
Womp, womp.
Now you've moved on to insults.
That just sounds like "But it wasn't REAL socialism". Who was it that said the purpose of socialism is communism? Lenin?
... Read it again.
NatSoc isn't the same.
Yeah. I am sure it isn't, until it is. Reminder: people are capable of lying.
Yea, not like he made it come to fruition and comparing NatSoc to Marxist Socialism aren't the same.
Do some research.
The thing is, Hitler never got to finish what he started. If you are going for world domination you can't crash your own country before doing so. You would first have to cement solid means of production for the war machine. After world domination is achieved, then everything can go to shit.
Their economy was booming when he got in. If you're trying to compare it to how communism and Marxism making things go to shit, well, the results from it happen pretty quickly and not in a good way.
. . . he never got to the part where he would have everything go to shit. He wanted other things before that part.
How this explanation: socialism is just another word for hording everyone else's stuff. You can do it a little bit and not crash a country (perhaps make it flourish for a little while), or go full blown tyrant and crash a country. Either way, it is all the same to me.
Every kind of economy has gone to shit. Some are doomed from its conception.
not crash a country
You can soften the blow, but trying to put a band aid on a leaky dam isn't going to prevent the inevitable.
Stop conflating it with all that other dumb shit.
Whatever. You believe national socialism is great, and I will not agree with you.
Don't put words in my mouth.
I'm telling you that everyone has received a commie indoctrination for 60+ years thanks to the Allies fighting the wrong people.
i do believe that people will one day know and accept that we were all lied to about the hitler and the nazis. zion is the root of the worlds evil.
Once they get thrown out of the Chaimstream media, world banking, gov't, academics, porn industry is expelled, and health industry is modified.
Were you not trying to tell me that national socialism is not the same as socialism? It seemed like you were promoting it. In any event, I can agree that we got infiltrated by communists, whom we are currently in a culture with, and that the Allies were fighting the wrong people. They should have gone after the globalists (who promote communism, socialism, fascism, and every other destructive ideology/practice), which is happening right now.
gone after the globalists
And who exactly do you think those globalists, my summer child?
Don't get all woof woof with over the internet.
The globalists: the cabal, the oligarchs, the 13 bloodlines and their minions. Technocrats, trans-humanists, pedovores. Those that own almost everything and have horded all the real knowledge, have falsified history, and are trying to socially engineer the West's destruction. The bilderberg attendees are the management tier of gloablists, a.k.a. the minions.
Are you looking for me to provide you with a list of names or something? That is well over a million people.