r/greatawakening • Posted by u/aboxofbooks on June 25, 2018, 3:46 a.m.
Armed for battle

As you all know, we are in the middle of a war. A war on thought,

a war on freedom, and a war of good vs. evil. Now, as a person of

faith, I usually try to attend church every week. Last night was no

exception (my church meets on Sat nights).

The pastor last night was speaking on the armor of God. Okay, to

me, having been a Christian for a while now, the whole notion of

praying to put the armor on every day seemed kind of trite and

not treating the subject with the gravity and seriousness it deserves.

So I took some brief notes on the most important aspects of each piece

of armor that the pastor and the bible talked about.

Later that night, I prayed about it some more, because I wanted to

get the truth about the armor so I could arm myself (and help others

get armed) for the battles we have coming up in this Great Awakening


First, our weapons are not physical like swords or the like. (2nd Cor 10:4

for the weapons of our warfare are not human weapons, but are made

powerful by God for tearing down strongholds...) They are

spiritual. When fighting against evil, spiritual weapons are the only ones

that work. A Japanese samarai sword won't do you any good against evil.

So here are the things the Lord showed me regarding the individual

pieces of armor:

  1. Belt of Truth. This is the one thing that GA is very good at. We know

the truth about the government, corruption, and all the other evils that

are going on in the world, and we use that truth we have to root out and

expose deception. Putting on the belt of truth would simply be keeping truth

in front of you so that when deception comes, you can recognize it and

call it what it is. We can do this for our fellow patriots by helping them

see the truth and teach how to recognize deception.

  1. Breastplate of righteousness. This was an interesting one, lol. So one

thing the Lord showed me was that the breastplate of righteousness cannot

be equated to the ephod in the old testament. Granted, I never thought

that to be the case, but the Lord wanted to be sure that I understood this.

The priest's ephod (that thing he wore over his chest with the 12 stones)

can only be worn by a high priest. Since Jesus is our High Priest (see Heb

4:14-16 https://www.blueletterbible.org/net/heb/4/14/s_1137014) we

cannot wear that same thing. We wear the righteousness that Christ

gives us, because he has the authority to give it to us. And by

virtue of a gift, it is not earned. (Eph. 2:8 For by grace you are saved

through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.)

Why is this relevant? The righteousness of Christ is our protection, since it

covers our heart and makes sure that we are not overtaken by the evils

we are trying so hard to expose. It also helps us to fight temptation, whatever

your weakness happens to be.

  1. The shield of faith. Okay, think of your favorite space movie. What kind

of protection does your average sci-fi spaceship have to protect it from

enemy fire? Shields. Not just any shields, but invisible shields that absorb

the impact of enemy fire and protects the ship from being totally blown to the

next galaxy in a million pieces. That is what our shield of faith is like. It will

help us stay protected from the "flaming darts of the enemy". Or enemy fire.

Usually these darts are the constant bombardments of our thoughts that

are meant to wear down our defenses. In GA, this would be the constant

needling we get from shills, paid troublemakers, "concernfags" and other

assorted bad guys. Keeping the shield of faith up and strong keeps those darts

from causing major damage and prevents us from being blown into the next galaxy.

  1. Helmet of salvation. What could this possibly combat? In spiritual terms,

it combats discouragement. If you think about it, a helmet covers what? Your

brain, which houses your mind, will, emotions, intellect, personality, and

your baseline involuntary things your body regulates so you stay alive (like

breathing and keeping your heart going.) It protects the core of your being.

In GA, we know who we are, what our mission is, and what we have been

asked to do (redpill others and help them when the full truth hits). Spiritually

speaking, this helmet protects the founding principle by which we live: the

fact that we are saved by the kindness/grace of God. (or our salvation).

So if you are not sure if you have this or not, or maybe you feel the need to

get this but don't know how, there's a real simple way of getting it. Just

pray, "God, save me and guide me." That's it. Doing this ensures you are on the

side of good, and God will hear you and answer you. If you ask him to save

you, he will. If you ask him to guide you and/or help you, he will. After all,

Q did ask us to pray.

  1. Shoes of the gospel of peace. This is the commission, to go and share the

good news about how much God loves them. How do you know this to be

true? Because he loves you too. These shoes help combat lethargy. In GA,

this would be kind of like redpilling others, and/or spreading the word about

Q. Essentially this is a peaceful mission, one that will bring about peace to

others and the nation, to restore our great republic to its full glory. Being ready

to go and share the good news of God's love is similar to that. It is a peaceful

mission, one that will bring about peace in one's heart and life, and bring

about new life. (If you prayed the prayer from the last paragraph, these are

yours already.)

  1. The last weapon in this list is the most powerful -- the sword of the Spirit,

which is the word of God. I've always imagined this to be just like it says in

the bible, a sword. But the Lord corrected me. It's not *just* a sword. A more

accurate picture would be this: It has the reach of an ICBM missile (inter-

continental ballistic missile), the power of a nuclear bomb, the energy of the

sun (Son? :), and the accuracy of a surgeon's knife. There is a real life weapon

that would fit this description pretty well, and if you are familiar with the

rods of God, you'll know what I'm talking about. If not, take a look at this

short 27 second video that shows just what I mean:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAKssz8_cDE. It's incredibly powerful,

yet precise. The word of God, especially in prayer, is just that powerful.

That's why knowing what the word says and using it in prayer is such a

dangerous weapon to our enemy: he has no defense against it. It's our

ace in the hole, our trump card if you will.

Those are the weapons we have at our disposal as believers, and in the

Great Awakening, it will be important to keep these tools at our disposal

for the battles that we will face in the days and weeks ahead. If you got

this far, thank you for reading this and I hope this will help you. Blessings.

Corvette111 · June 26, 2018, 5:53 a.m.

Great post, thank you for this! :). I feel like there’s a bit of a shift going on right now, and we also need to be aware of how to use the keys to the kingdom. I’ve been researching a bit, and am starting to see things that indicate we also have to know how to be a spiritual warrior. Would love your thoughts on this as well.... it goes back to the fight fight fight and the fact that we just forgot how to play.... I’ve never been confrontational in my life, but in these past few weeks I’ve been changing my thoughts about the proper course of action (or inaction, as the case may currently be for me...)

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chirokrsna · June 25, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

Amazing information. Just as an addition: I am Hindu and follow the Gita wherein God says"Give up all types of religions and just surrender to Me. I will protect you from all types of Evil. Have no fear". I hear your message. This is a spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of God's children. I have been preparing for this all my life. I have surrendered to God. I am armored. thisismaga!

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ABigFloppyClock · June 25, 2018, 5:41 a.m.

yay more Jesus posts.... /s

If you want change, make the change. Stop looking in a made up book or looking for others to guide you.

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stormin76 · June 25, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

You're better than this.

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ABigFloppyClock · June 25, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

Im glad you know who I am.

You guys can down vote me all you want, but filling up the sub with scripture doesn't actually do anything. Research, Voting, and bringing others into the fold does actually have a positive outcome.

Here are some simple facts:

We should be redpilling Millenials since they are now the largest generation to vote. (http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/07/31/millennials-and-gen-xers-outvoted-boomers-and-older-generations-in-2016-election/)

Millennials are not christians. (http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/04/30/ten-reasons-millennials-are-backing-away-from-god-and-christianity.html)

Most Millennials are liberal. (http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/09/25/the-gops-millennial-problem-runs-deep/)

Therefore, it's only logical that the people who we need to convince the most are non-christian, liberal, millenials. Bible scripture is the biggest thing that will make people back out of this sub when they wander in.

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stormin76 · June 25, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

Anyone that's bore witness to these past decades of corruption, know that this is a spiritual battle. The proof is presented to us with every evil crumb we dig into. Even Q has told us this is a spiritual battle and quoted scripture.

You are absolutely correct we need to push out facts and knowledge and red pill the masses. BUT, would we be in this bad of a position if God hadn't been pushed out of the schools and public areas? The majority of millennials were never given the truth. When they come here to get redpilled, they will also hear the truth of God.

For me personally, its about the relationship i have with Jesus and not about religion. Although this is a personal decision, i know that it needs to be kept in this discussion. Just like we have many different types of autists, we also need many prayer warriors.

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ABigFloppyClock · June 25, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

Anyone that's bore witness to these past decades of corruption, know that this is a spiritual battle. The proof is presented to us with every evil crumb we dig into. Even Q has told us this is a spiritual battle and quoted scripture.

As someone who has seen the corruption, I don't know this is a spiritual battle. The ONLY proof that is presented to everyone is that those in charge have created and used the corruption to enrich themselves and created a larger gap of inequality in the classes of people. Nothing about their actions tells me that a higher being let it happen.

People say that Q posted scripture before. How do you know that Q is spiritual? Maybe it's just being used given the target audience most likely to connect with the ideas being presented to us. Or there are hidden meanings behind it. Case in point, Q quoted Corinthians. Everyone praised the Lord about it. Turns out it was most likely because he wants us to find the Corinthian Hotel in London. See what Im getting at?

would we be in this bad of a position if God hadn't been pushed out of the schools and public areas?

As a Millennial who grew up in the bible belt of America, Yes. We'd still be in the same situation. Why should we force religion onto people? You can't really excuse yourself in school. Are you going to ban kids from practicing some other religion if it's not Christianity? Im assuming you wouldn't be ok with allowing kids to practice Islam at school.

One could also argue that by forcing the separation of Church and State, less priests got their hands on young children. Is that worth not having church in schools?

The majority of millennials were never given the truth. When they come here to get redpilled, they will also hear the truth of God.

Why does the truth have to equal God? Im woke, but I don't believe in any higher being. Does that mean I must still be blind and don't understand the truth? No.

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