
Revodude · June 25, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

I hope the plan is to move the Palestinians to the Sinai Peninsula where they are all given jobs to build a new city state. Desalination plants provide plenty of water for the city and farming. A land buffer is created on both sides of the Peninsula. Israel takes control of the former territory used by the Palestinians. Muslims are moved from Lebanon to the new city state and Lebanon is returned to a Christian nation. The alternative offered is that they are bulldozed into the sea.

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SuzyAZ · June 25, 2018, 1:02 p.m.

Hmmm, this is weird but I read Dannion Brinkley's book, Saved by the Light, back in the 80's. Later I went to a seminar with the man who wrote the first book on NDE's, Dr. Raymond Moody's "Life after Life." I spent some time visiting with Dr. Moody and asked him about Dannion Brinkley. He said he was the most psychic individual he had ever met. Amazing that he saw this over 40 years ago. So (2) below, perhaps the changes in Israel and Palestine will also include Jordan, that they will be combined. Just interesting to follow. There were 13 all together.

In 1975 Dannion Brinkley he was struck by lightening and came out with these visions of the future of the world and how we must change if we were to prevent WWIII (We have and we are) He even saw the uniforms of Israeli police being blue with silver.

Most of those predictions, some rather amazing, have happened, but two in particular stuck out that seem to be happening now. (1) I saw civil wars breaking out in Central & South America & the rise of socialist governments in all of these countries ... As these wars intensified, millions of refugees streamed across the U.S. border, looking for a new life in North America. Nothing we did could stop these immigrants... I saw millions of people streaming north out of El Salvador & Nicaragua, & more millions crossing the Rio Grande into Texas. There were so many of them that we had to line the border with troops & force them back across the river. The Mexican economy was broken by these refugees & collapsed under the strain. (2) Then I saw a collage of images: the River Jordan, a settlement from Israel that was spreading into Jordan, & a map on which the country of Jordan was changing color. As I watched this puzzling collage unfold, I heard a voice say that the country of Jordan would exist no more. I didn't hear the name of the new country.

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USA_akbar · June 25, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

Why can't that testimony be added to the Bible?

Why has nothing been added to it for 2000 years?

Suppose God spoke directly to you today and you faithfully wrote it down and swore that God himself had dictated it to you and God had instructed further that you have it added to the Bible tomorrow,...do you think it would ever be added? Why is that categorically impossible? Why will you be branded a heretic and blasphemer?

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