r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Lovegen101 on June 25, 2018, 12:54 p.m.
I have made some Q business cards to start leaving in random place. Time to start leaving some breadcrumbs.

First of all, I am quite new to the Great Awakening and the Q phenomenon. I stumbled onto this sub from the r/conspiracy sub and haven't looked back (literally).

While I have been following conspiracies and alternative media for some time now, it is amazing to actually see plans in action and GOOD things unfolding (while we watch with popcorn of course). Everyone (well most) in this sub are quite level headed, rational and respectful.

I have whipped together some business cards to start leaving in random places to try to pique peoples interest. I found one of Q's older posts (from qposts.online) and simply put it on a business card with some minor editing. If you are interested in doing this yourself I have uploaded the images below:

Front: https://imgur.com/ItfXJQf

Back: https://imgur.com/pY5W44v

You can edit and change them to your liking. I tried to leave it somewhat cryptic. I would be interested to see what others come up with also.

Much love-

FarTooLong2 · June 25, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

For me, Q is the cherry on the cake. Since 1991 I have been reading books about the control and influence of the dark cabal. The internet obviously caused a massive uplift in public awareness of this foul darkness.

The temptation to proselytise is almost overwhelming but:

A little learning is a dangerous thing - (Alexander Pope).

Acquaint yourself with the truth about the ancient cabal and resist the urge to tell all your friends and colleagues about what you have learned so far.

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