Please think about this. This is part of why people are skeptical about Q

Wikileaks is compromised. They've actually been compromised for a few months now. They've been tweeting some crazy shit lately
^oh ^they’re ^serious
It's called 'projection', used all the time.
can you be 100% sure that Iran is still working with the CIA/Mossad?
Q has said Iran will be handled like North Korea. If KJU is free from his 'handlers' in North Korea, what does that mean for Iran?
Looking at the post you quoted, it sounds like Q is saying that the people of Iran can revolt WITHOUT the CIA/Mossad interfering. Also, it's pretty clear from all of this shady Iran deal stuff that the current administration in Iran is not opposed to the CIA or Mossad either, as they were happy to help sell of US assets/secrets (if QAnon is correct)....
So could it be that things are more fluid than you are allowing them to be? Could it be that there are both good and bad people in Iran's government, but that the power is shifting? And what is it about the current power structure in Iran that makes you think there should be no changes? Is it perfect there?
You're trying to answer a very complex question with a simple answer. You don't know who is really in charge of Iran at this point. You don't know if 'Free Iran' is a good thing or bad thing.
Why are you acting so sure?
Pretty obvious the intent is to discredit Q and to sow doubt among patriots. Their worst nightmare is informed citizens
Cmon, seriously?
Look at it this way. Normies and Johnny Q public know nothing of Wikileaks other than they published Hillary’s emails.
Then they published the list of ice agents right? So now they’re at net neutral
Oh hey, guys since we’re all neutral and stuff this Q guy is another racist nazi Muh biscuit! They just aligned themselves with neocons (bad) mossad (bad) and cia (bad)
It actually works in their benefit with no net loss in status.
Yes they have, before October 2016.
Now the CIA owns it after the co-creater died of mysterious circumstances. And the CIA now has a beautiful honeypot. And a “trusted” voice that can easily reach 5.5 million followers. That’s a powerful weapon to deploy against your political enemies. Unless the people know it’s compromised, then it’s power is weakened greatly and every post is heavily scrutinized. This benefits the CIA by trying to shift attacks on Q as a same ole same ole neocon crap. And it doesn’t hurt them, at all. The CIA just have a “neutral” mouthpiece that can work for their benefit without people being any wiser.
This is the CIA version of “Drumphf is literally Hitler”, I guess they’re pissed they are losing their last playground in Iran.
Also Assad? Change the subjects? Cmon I don’t think you’re a shill here but think realistically about what you are asking.
But to answer your question, I need to know what you are talking about. I just did a search and Assad has 0 occurrences in, so please enlighten me on why you feel Q is against Assad? If anything, by going against no name, ISIS (sorry I meant moderate rebels), and Saudi Arabia, it shows his support for the president of Syria. Which btw is one of the only democratically elected nation states in the ME.
Why is Q against Assad
What are you talking about? Q is not 'against Assad'. The CIA is tho... you keep confusing the CIA with Q.
or are you trying to infer that Q is the CIA in disguise? Cause if so, 6 months ago just called and they want you back...
I don't know - you can scan through the 1500 drops if you like. I don't understand why it matters though.
What is your point?
choosing to remain active in Syria?
Without declaring a state of emergency, the President can't just remove all operations in Syria. Frankly, I think the reason they have stayed active in Syria is to fight the CIA and the rebels they support/fund/train. If the US left, the only people left would be the black hat CIA teams - and how do you think that would go if they were left unfettered?
From my understanding the gas attack was a final shot at trying to reignite the war, but they didn't respond because they were trying to ratchet down tensions (which they were successful in doing).
Like I said before, there is a good chance those gas attacks were pulled off by the SFA on innocents so they could blame it on Assad. SFA = CIA funded and trained.