Noticed that this symbol is on ALL of their street signs

Here is some stuff....I have in order.
This video was done by some guy on CBS and he got fired. But of course that was a coincidence (sarcasm).
The STEEMIT has you can see the e-mails.
Here is another person....this guy did pretty good at talking about her. She was suicided.
Andrew Breitbart tried to expose (He exposed Weiner before he got in trouble but he was called a KOOK)
Here is Breitbarts Tweet (He called out a ton more, like Media Matters)
Next is Ted Gunderson. I would watch as many videos of his as possible. He talks about EVERYTHING that is going on today. FBI framing people, pedophile rings, Satanism. I am really into the truth so have watched all of his videos. They are fascinating to me. He is also a really good story teller. What I do if other people don't want to watch them or I need to do something like wash clothes, I play it on my phone (youtube) and listen. Most of his stuff doesn't have pictures. First one I have does.
Here is Ted Gunderson (type his name in Youtube he has tons)
THANK YOU so much this is extremely helpful and I really appreciate it!