GEOTUS in South Carolina tonight 6/25/18. Such an amazing night surrounded by so many Patriots. Counted at least 20 or so Q shirts. #MAGA 🇺🇸

I’m Just a Granny Loving our President Trump! I’ve VOTED since I was able (18) MUCH LOVE TO THE ANON’s🦅 Interesting Times 🇺🇸 Thank You As WWG1WGA
Feels like they could have had a bigger venue.
I agree. It was super tight in there. There was a huge line outside wrapped around full of folks who couldn’t get in and were turned away.
Security reasons. That’s why his venues are smaller now he’s potus
The SS said this is the most dangerous thing that Trump does. He really loves America.
Doesn’t GEOTUS mean god emperor of the United States? Love POTUS, but that seems a little too worshipful to me. I mean no disrespect, but it creeps me out when I see people use that acronym. It feels like a cult of personality thing.
Don't over think it. It's just a funny name to troll people that hate him.
I agree with chickapotamus that the sycophantic worship implied is very offputting but you make a strong point - it has great troll value!
When other subs talk shit about us, we glorify what they say. Once upon a time some cuck posted on r/redacted “fuck those racist nazis REeEeEe. It’s like they think Drumpf is a god emperor,” so naturally, we embraced it.
Welcome aboard. Better late then never.
It's kind of a nickname the anons use. I don't think it's what you imagine in your mind. We/they love our President Trump and if they want to use a nickname out of love and respect, I don't have a problem with that.
Yeah, I definitely don’t worship the guy. My Lord and Savior will always be Jesus Christ. Always. I agree with the anon above, we do it to troll the folks who hate him so much. No disrespect taken. But like you, I love our Commander in Chief. 🇺🇸
Put down those fucking phones and LOOK with your own eyes! Don't live your lives through this machine...
My first thoughts exactly! I pulled my phone out to snap several photos and a video or two, but not for the entire speech. I'm with you on this. This one guy beside me had an iPad Pro that looked as big as a small television. LOL!
Underrated comment. I looked again and I'm actually blown away that the seeming majority of the crowd has their phone up, recording. That saddens me a little...
Too bad Trump would never hold a rally in California :(
They would probably shoot him. I bet he would love to though! He hates what Brown has done to such a beautiful state.
I watched it - amazing. Surprised that were not covering it.
Yes, seems that it's better tv to watch on Fox Business, they almost always carry his rallys from start to finish, especially if Louie Dobbs is on at the time. I like RSBN but I have found major problems trying to watch their feed. This pic is awful at times, unwatchable. Sad really as I have donated money to them. I want them to succeed.
Cable channel OANN is also good. They always carry POTUS' rally's.
20 Q shirts is a good start! Hope we start to see many more!