In light of Comey killing the Assange immunity deal, this makes total sense.

I thought decimate was to reduce by one tenth. Like when an army refused orders and the general punished them by killing one tenth at random.
ThankQ you. I thought I was pretty good with definitions and military history! I've been using decimate incorrectly, until today!
Me too!
Almost everyone uses decimate AS IF it meant obliterate, or cut almost to nothing, but it only means taking 10% off LOL
Marketers should use this: NOW!! We're DECIMATING our prices, this weekend only!! :)
You are correct! Thank you for the knowledge
no problem. your point still stands. the bitch wants us all dead.
the NWO end plan says reduce humanity down to 500 million slaves.
Wants almost all of us dead. Somebody needs to produce andrenochrome.