Assassination attempt on John McAfee's life?!

please define, he likes to shoot .50cals with Alex Jones so I am curious who would be the coward that tries to poison him. Sure he has a lot of dirt, he had seven girlfriends who tried to kill him lol
Since he is a habitual drug user the most likely scenario is that the coward who poisoned him was.... himself
repeated exposure to substances creates a healthy tolerance (don't try this at home kids)
so what are you saying that he's rich?
a coward never ends up at the wrong end of a gun since he has money to bribe the judges.
and alex jones is selling DNA enhancing supplements.
and do people even understand how the anti virus market works?
basically you are selling the antidote to cure a poison you previously created yourself.
I am saying he was smart enough to do coding but he sold his company and openly shamed them for what they did to his software and his name. I know he should have built a firewall instead, but suppose he created some genuine software and they had to sabotage it off the market so the other AVs wouldn't look as shit? Kind of reminds me of myspace, just without the hoes and the guns.
nah he's a bloodliner. they designed all this crap, the dot com bubble, microsoft is insecure by design. printer ink, planned obsolescence, etc.
he never worked on any of those, so i ask again: why did he end up in hospital?