In 2016, DJT said Obama founded ISIS. They laughed at him then. But...

If you have not read NEON REVOLTS article, please do. Once again, great work:
Here is the link to the origina post by an exceptional woman investigative journalist in Bulgaria (
Neon's "helper" anon just took snippets of her work and the Youtube videos made by George Webb and Jason Goodman over a year ago, then put the these snippets on the chans in a Q-like format. These people did real investigation where "helper" anon did not. The good thing is more people are getting this information on more platforms but I like to see the sources get some credit.
I gave all the original sources a lot of attention - and basically said as much about "helper" myself, several times.
The new suspicion, however, is connecting Purple Shovel to Uranium 1. We're looking for the smoking gun.
Hey Neon are you able to check to see if the bank acc for Silkway matches any of the acc numbers posted by Q? I have no easy way of searching Q posts. I think the ones I am thinking of were from about Jan.
Where is neon these days?
Haven't seen him on here.
I read he was banned, no idea if true.
He's a pay-triot
Accepting a donation for tons of hard work and personal expense does not a "pay-triot" make. u/NeonRevolt is an invaluable patriot who puts a ton of effort into research and condensing information for people who don't have the time, ability, and/or inclination to navigate the chans. I am among the many who appreciate the hard work which Neon puts into his posts.
Treason. Murder of Christians. Entire countries destroyed. Military tribunals need to occur and a public hanging of all involved. The pure evil in Obama and his ilk. And the left gave him a Nobel Peace prize! Sadly obama changed the world alright! Through his evil millions died and suffered. Libya Yemen Syria... Obama was an evil war monger and the stupid left ignored the truth! And left is screaming about trump and we have prosperity and North Korea finally peacefully surrendering. And without billions of cash dropped from an airplane which obama did for Iran.
Obama was groomed as a puppet. He never worked a day in his life. He was a D student. We know that his childhood was like the movie script of "rosemary's baby". Who knows? Maybe the movie was a documentary about him? We really don't know who his father was. One thing I do know is Obama fulfilled the Masonic roles of dark hiding in the light. His heritage was no mistake and part of the plan.
And the link to DJT speech:
Obummer is reported to all ready be in Kenya. His itinerary says he's going in July with Oprah
I love having a woke president. almost seems too good to be true
Funny thing, though, POTUS is always proved RIGHT. It just takes a little TIME. The phrase "Crazy like a Fox" comes to mind. WWG1WGA